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May 20, 2022 · Per-Åke Minborg
The tools used has similar features like warmup and making sure that produced results are actually used preventing erroneous dead-code elimination.
Jul 07, 2020 · Lindsay Burk
Hi and thank you for your question Oleksandra.
EDIT: For JOIN it is not possible to compose predicated. So, currently, you can only join on one condition. There is an issue for this:
For the case with .filter() All predicates support AND, OR and NEGATE. So you could, for example, write "Film.LENGTH.greaterThan(100).or(Film.LENGHT.lessThan(10))
Oct 22, 2019 · Lindsay Burk
No worries. It shows that you thought about the article, which is good!
Oct 22, 2019 · Lindsay Burk
I am afraid that is not the case. The `Stream<String>` is collected to a `List<String>` using the terminating operation `.collect(toList())`.
So the type of `list` is actually `List<String>`.
Oct 17, 2019 · Lindsay Burk
Interesting proposal. There are also some extra intermediate operations that were added in Java 9.
Sep 19, 2019 · Charleigh Smith
Thanks for your reply. I am not sure what you don't agree with? The benchmarks are facts and not opinions.
However, you are perfectly right in pointing out that performance is likely to vary significantly for cold code for the different solutions. It is explicitly stated in the article that cold code was not tested. You are also right that "it depends". I only tested a very limited set of iteration constructs and other problems might present other conclusions. The article made no representation as to the general performance of all iteration problems. It did, however, mentioned that Streams are likely to be generally used and that was clearly marked as an opinion.
Regarding caches, the problem did not access memory but that would be interesting to test in another article.
Sep 19, 2019 · Charleigh Smith
That is true and my intention in the article was to make that obvious. The point is that sometimes cleverness can beat raw computational power.
Aug 13, 2019 · Niranjan Tallapalli
HashMap is not thread-safe and should not be shared across threads. Thus, the rehash is not designed for multi-threaded access. Use ConcurrentHashMap or protect the HashMap by Collections.synchronizedMap() instead.
Aug 09, 2019 · Lindsay Burk
Thanks for your comment.
If you know how to use Declarative coding, you are a better programmer. That does not mean that Declarative coding is better than Imperative coding in every case and aspect.
I fully agree with you that knowing the right choice is key.
You bring up an interesting aspect: Imperative vs. Declarative Performance. I am planning to write an article about that in the future. In some cases, Declarative may, in fact, be faster than Imperative contrary to what many people believe. Stay tuned.
Apr 11, 2019 · Lindsay Burk
Nicolai Parlog pointed out to me that this is only true for Java 8. Subsequent Java versions actually short circuits List streams where count() is the only operation.
Mar 29, 2019 · Lindsay Burk
Correct. It was in reference to the old one. The new syntax allowed "case 2,3,4,4,5:" and that is why I didn't spot it in the first place. The old switch became the new switch...
Mar 28, 2019 · Lindsay Burk
You are right. Thank you for pointing this out! I have updated the code according to your comment.
Dec 14, 2018 · Per-Åke Minborg
You can create a view or you can programmatically select any number of rows at load time (e.g. just load items from this year) and/or elect to fill in just certain columns. With the UI Tool (or by editing the speedment.json file) you can select what columns should be included in your data model (e.g. you might only need a subset of the columns in your application).
You can also create "virtual columns" that is a kind of a programmatic view of the database. Useful if you are not allowed to touch the database.
This is described in the manual here:
Dec 14, 2018 · Per-Åke Minborg
A single snapshot can serve an infinite amount of queries. Loading of new snapshots occurs in the background.
In this example, initial loading of the entire Sakila database snapshot took about one second.
The benchmarks did not include the load time. If we would have amortized the initial load time over the many million times of calls that were made during the benchmarks, the latency result would be affected but not by much.
I should have pointed out this in the article. Thanks for your comment.
Sep 27, 2018 · Lindsay Burk
I don't know but I have seen it since 2017. It was probably there before.
Sep 14, 2018 · Lauren Forbes
Here is a Gist of the class I used:
Sep 12, 2018 · Lauren Forbes
The version used in the article was Speedment Free which can be used at no cost. Here is a link to the licensing model:
May 28, 2018 · Per-Åke Minborg
You get type safety and,arguably. ease of use. In this example, performance is not an issue. For performance sensitive applications you could use Speedment Enterprise where aggregations cen be performed in-JVM-memory and off-heap.
May 27, 2018 · Per-Åke Minborg
The objective was to do everything i Java and not use SQL. The problem can of cource be solved in many ways including writing pure SQL with JDBC. Java provides a type safe way of expressing database queries. I also think writing a parallel solution would be much harder using pure JDBC. Differenrt solutions have different pros and cons so it depends on the problem at hand which is the best. This is just one way of doing it.
May 18, 2018 · Václav Kužel
Thanks for the article Václav. Speedment now supports transactions as per 3.0.17
Sep 07, 2017 · Justin Albano
Thanks for your article. It is true in one sense that all objects are created on the heap. It might be worth mentioning that the JVM can use Escape Analysis to determine the scope of existance for an object. If the scope is "local" the JVM can allocate a representation of an object on the stack rather than on the heap. This way, allocation and cleanup of objects are sped up. Read more here
Aug 08, 2017 · Per-Åke Minborg
Thanks. I have fixed that now.
Dec 10, 2016 · Per-Åke Minborg
Big thanks to @tagir_valeev who wrote a benchmark that tested the performance of the scheme. Tagir arrived at the conlcusion that the old fashoned way of initilaizing map is orders of magnitude faster. As I have mentioned, this is just an academic "feature". Do not use it in production code.
See the entire benchmark here:
Dec 09, 2016 · Per-Åke Minborg
Nothing is wrong with your example. In fact, the old way is much faster and more robust. The article just points out another way of dooing it that is unusual and perhaps unexpected. It is of academic interest but have less practical use. I should have made that more clear in the article.
Dec 08, 2016 · Per-Åke Minborg
Very interesting Valery. Thanks for the update!
Dec 07, 2016 · Per-Åke Minborg
Thanks. Performance can be made better but at a slight cost of complexity. As you say, the key needs to be retrieved twice and there are also som reflection parts that can be optimized. The article is jwritten just to point out that it is possible to do this.
Oct 18, 2016 · Mike Gates
Title uppdated.... :-)
Oct 18, 2016 · Mike Gates
The reason for mentioning examples in the JDK was to show that this is, in fact, a way that is being used regurlary (as oppsed to some comments I have received). You are right that there were many historic blunders in the JDK and is is likely that we will see more of them in the years to come. The same is true for the comment on non-static methods which was not understood by some readers. I agree with your view on the title and I have added a link in the post to Ferencz's original post. Thank you for your comments.
Oct 17, 2016 · Mike Gates
Check out Speedment on GitHub where streams are used for querying a database. The streams are guaranteed to close automatically regardless of how they are used, thus eventually freeing up any I/O resources they may hold. I agree that libraries like RXJava is more sutable than streams for the class of problems you are describing.
Oct 17, 2016 · Mike Gates
Thank you for your feed back. I have corrected the typos pointed out in some of the comments above. The use of static factory methods in interfaces has become more or less a standard within the JDK itself. For example, the Stream interface contains a number of static factory methods that will create a sutable instance of a class that implements the Stream interface. This is also true for many interfaces in the java.util.function package. It should be noted that the interfaces are unaware of the implementation classes for all non-static methods which is important.
Sep 07, 2016 · Arun Pandey
The implementation of ConcurrentHashMap looks completely different i Java 8. It would be nice wilth a follow up post on how the Java 8 version works too.
May 19, 2016 · Alec Noller
Check out open-source Speedment which allows you to generate a domain model automatically from an existing database (you can control the code generation) and use Java 8 streams to query the database.
Apr 07, 2016 · Per-Åke Minborg
I think your example with casting should have been mentioned in the article too.
Feb 12, 2016 · Per-Åke Minborg
Fixed. Sorry.
Oct 30, 2015 · Dave Fecak
Hi Francisco! You need to re-generate the code if you want to see new columns for example. As long as you do not remove columns that are being used by Speedment, you can change the database while in operation. You could share your experience and perhaps come with improvement suggestions at gitter:
Oct 28, 2015 · Dave Fecak
Correct. And you could even do composed predicates like this:
Oct 22, 2015 · Dave Fecak
Version 2.2.0 is out now with the Date bug fixed. Read about the new features on
Oct 21, 2015 · Dave Fecak
Hi Roman. Thanks for your input. Speedment CAN generate code from tables with composite primary keys, for example when you have a many-to-many relation table where the relation columns both form the primary key.
Also, the built in stream implementations are much SMARTER than the default streams. So, if you for example filter on an expression, the stream will detect that and it will construct a query that reflects that filer. For example, if you do:,20)).filter(User.NAME.equals("John").
then you will stream over:
select id,name,age from user where (id between(10, 20)) and (name='John')
This way, you avoid streaming over the entire table.
It is CORRECT that Speedment cannot generate code from tables with no primary key. Speedment requires that the database is reasonably normalised(e.g. all tables must have a primary key). This is needed, for example, for in-memory caching. It is possible to use a synthetic primary key though if needed.
It is also CORRECT that there is a bug in the current version (2.1.2) that prevents the usage of Date columns. This is fixed and will work with the new upcoming release (2.2.0). Sorry for that! :-)