Connecting to Multiple Databases Using Hibernate
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Join For FreeIn a recent project, I had a requirement of connecting to multiple databases using hibernate. As tapestry-hibernate module does not provide an out-of-box support, I thought of adding one.
Now that the application is in production, I thought of writing a simple “How to”.
I have cloned the latest stable(5.3.2) tapestry project at
and have added multiple database support to it.
Single Database
It is almost fully compatible with the previous integration when using a single database except for a few things
1) HibernateConfigurer has changed
public interface HibernateConfigurer { /** * Passed the configuration so as to make changes. */ void configure(Configuration configuration); /** * Factory Id for which this configurer is meant for */ Class<? extends Annotation> getMarker(); /** * Entity package names * * @return */ String[] getPackageNames(); }
2) There is no HibernateEntityPackageManager, as the packages can be contributed by adding more HibernateConfigurers with the same Markers.
Multiple databases
For multiple database, a marker has to be used for accessing Session or HibernateSessionManager
@Inject @XDB private Session session; @Inject @YDB private HibernateSessionManager sessionManager; @XDB @CommitAfter void myMethod(){ }
Also you have to define a HibernateSessionManager and a Session for the secondary database in the Module class.
@Scope(ScopeConstants.PERTHREAD) @Marker(DatabaseTwo.class) public static HibernateSessionManager buildHibernateSessionManagerForFinacle( HibernateSessionSource sessionSource, PerthreadManager perthreadManager) { HibernateSessionManagerImpl service = new HibernateSessionManagerImpl(sessionSource, DatabaseTwo.class); perthreadManager.addThreadCleanupListener(service); return service; } @Marker(DatabaseTwo.class) public static Session buildSessionForFinacle( @Local HibernateSessionManager sessionManager, PropertyShadowBuilder propertyShadowBuilder) { return, "session", Session.class); }
Notice an annotation @DatabaseTwo.class. This is a Factory marker and is used to identify a service related to a particular SessionFactory.
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target( {ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD}) @FactoryMarker @Documented public @interface DatabaseTwo { }
A typical AppModule for two databases will be
public class AppModule { public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder) { binder.bind(DemoService.class, DemoServiceImpl.class); } @Contribute(HibernateSessionSource.class) public static void configureHibernateSources(OrderedConfiguration<HibernateConfigurer> configurers) { configurers.add("databaseOne", new HibernateConfigurer() { public void configure(org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration configuration) { configuration.configure("/databaseOne.xml"); } public Class<? extends Annotation> getMarker() { return DefaultFactory.class; } public String[] getPackageNames() { return new String[] {""}; } }); configurers.add("databaseTwo", new HibernateConfigurer() { public void configure(org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration configuration) { configuration.configure("/databaseTwo.xml"); } public Class<? extends Annotation> getMarker() { return DatabaseTwo.class; } public String[] getPackageNames() { return new String[] {"org.example.demo.two"}; } }); } @Contribute(SymbolProvider.class) @ApplicationDefaults public static void addSymbols(MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration) { configuration.add(HibernateSymbols.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, "false"); configuration.add("", "org.example.demo"); } @Scope(ScopeConstants.PERTHREAD) @Marker(DatabaseTwo.class) public static HibernateSessionManager buildHibernateSessionManagerForFinacle( HibernateSessionSource sessionSource, PerthreadManager perthreadManager) { HibernateSessionManagerImpl service = new HibernateSessionManagerImpl(sessionSource, DatabaseTwo.class); perthreadManager.addThreadCleanupListener(service); return service; } @Marker(DatabaseTwo.class) public static Session buildSessionForFinacle( @Local HibernateSessionManager sessionManager, PropertyShadowBuilder propertyShadowBuilder) { return, "session", Session.class); } }
Injecting into Services
You can inject a session in a service using the marker. As DatabaseOne is being used as the default configuration, in order to inject its Session, you have to annotate it with @DefaultFactory. For DatabaseTwo, you can use @DatabaseTwo annotation.
public class DemoServiceImpl implements DemoService { private Session sessionOne; private Session sessionTwo; public DemoServiceImpl( @DefaultFactory Session sessionOne, @DatabaseTwo Session sessionTwo) { this.sessionOne = sessionOne; this.sessionTwo = sessionTwo; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<EntityOne> listOnes() { return sessionOne.createCriteria(EntityOne.class).list(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<EntityTwo> listTwos() { return sessionTwo.createCriteria(EntityTwo.class).list(); } public void save(EntityOne entityOne) { sessionOne.saveOrUpdate(entityOne); } public void save(EntityTwo entityTwo) { sessionTwo.saveOrUpdate(entityTwo); } }
Using @CommitAfter
You can add an advice the same way you used to. The only change is in @CommitAfter. You have to additionally annotate the method with the respective marker.
public interface DemoService { List<EntityOne> listOnes(); List<EntityTwo> listTwos(); @CommitAfter @DefaultFactory void save(EntityOne entityOne); @CommitAfter @DatabaseTwo void save(EntityTwo entityTwo); }
Here is an example.
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