88% of respondents use online communities as their primary learning method. See what else they had to say about the state of dev today.
Apache Cassandra combines the benefits of major NoSQL databases to support data management needs not covered by traditional RDBMS vendors.
DZone Core Program
At DZone, we foster a collaborative environment that empowers developers and tech professionals to share knowledge, build skills, and solve problems through content, code, and community.
We thoughtfully — and with intention — challenge the status quo and value diverse perspectives so that, as one, we can inspire positive change through technology.
What is the DZone Core program?
The DZone Core Program is for our most active and engaged DZone contributors, who regularly contribute valuable content to our website and publications. These individuals are deeply involved in our community and are regarded as authoritative experts in their respective fields. Through the Core program, members gain access to a bunch of awesome perks.
What's so great about the Core program?
Aside from the massive bragging rights, Core members get a ton of great benefits including (but not limited to):
Exclusive Badges
Core members can earn exclusive badges and certificates
Preferred Selection for Paid Opportunities
Core members are our first choice when seeking authors for paid writing opportunities
Priority Content Publication
Articles submitted by Core members are given priority consideration in moderation and publication
Access to Exclusive Core Programs
Core members are eligible for several Core-only programs, such as the Community Advisory Board, DZone Ambassador, and more
Cool Rewards
Core members get access to the most premium rewards in the DZone rewards program (coming soon)
How do I join the Core program?
Core Membership is determined at the discretion of DZone Staff. Contributors can improve
their chances of being selected by doing any of the following:
Speak at 1 DZone event in the past year
Write 2 or more Refcards in 1 year
Contribute to 3 or more Trend Reports in 1 year
Earn 1,500 or more Reputation Points
If you meet any of the above requirements and are interested in joining the Core Program, please fill out this application.
Can I lose my Core membership?
As the Core program is designed to include our most active and engaged members, a significant length
of absence from DZone can cause you to lose your membership. To remain in the program, we ask that you:
at least one new article every 60 days
Attend DZone community events
such as local meetups, webinars, workshops, and more (coming soon)
Be engaged
with the community and DZone staff via article comments, on social media, and in the Core Slack workspace
Remain in good standing
with DZone Editorial, Publications, and Community teams
Provide help
with ongoing DZone initiatives, such as updating articles, surveys, etc.
Failure to adhere to these requirements for more than 6 months will result in removal from the program.
Wait, I still have questions!
You can reach us anytime at community@dzone.com
By agreeing to participate in the DZone Core program, you agree to receive occasional communication from DZone staff.