IndexedDB and Date Example
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Join For Freeabout an hour ago i gave a presentation on indexeddb. one of the attendees asked about dates and being able to filter based on a date range. i told him that my assumption was that you would need to convert the dates into numbers and use a number-based range. turns out i was wrong. here is an example.
i began by creating an objectstore that used an index on the created field. since our intent is to search via a date field, i decided "created" would be a good name. i also named my objectstore as "data". boring, but it works.
var openrequest ="idbpreso_date1",1); openrequest.onupgradeneeded = function(e) { var thisdb =; if(!thisdb.objectstorenames.contains("data")) { var os = thisdb.createobjectstore("data", {autoincrement:true}); os.createindex("created", "created", {unique:false}); } }
next - i built a simple way to seed data. i based on a button click event to add 10 objects. each object will have one property, created, and the date object will be based on a random date from now till 7 days in the future.
function doseed() { var now = new date(); for(var i=0; i<10; i++) { var daydiff = getrandomint(1, 7); var thisdate = new date(); thisdate.setdate(now.getdate() + daydiff); db.transaction(["data"],"readwrite").objectstore("data").add({created:thisdate}); } } //credit: mozilla developer center function getrandomint (min, max) { return math.floor(math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }
note that since indexeddb calls are asynchronous, my code should handle updating the user to let them know when the operation is done. since this is just a quick demo though, and since that add operation will complete incredibly fast, i decided to not worry about it.
so at this point we'd have an application that lets us add data containing a created property with a valid javascript date. note i didn't change it to milliseconds. i just passed it in as is.
for the final portion i added two date fields on my page. in chrome this is rendered nicely:
based on these, i can then create an indexeddb range of either bounds, lowerbounds, or upperbounds. i.e., give me crap either after a date, before a date, or inside a date range.
function dosearch() { var fromdate = document.queryselector("#fromdate").value; var todate = document.queryselector("#todate").value; var range; if(fromdate == "" && todate == "") return; var transaction = db.transaction(["data"],"readonly"); var store = transaction.objectstore("data"); var index = store.index("created"); if(fromdate != "") fromdate = new date(fromdate); if(todate != "") todate = new date(todate); if(fromdate != "" && todate != "") { range = idbkeyrange.bound(fromdate, todate); } else if(fromdate == "") { range = idbkeyrange.upperbound(todate); } else { range = idbkeyrange.lowerbound(fromdate); } var s = ""; index.opencursor(range).onsuccess = function(e) { var cursor =; if(cursor) { s += "<h2>key "+cursor.key+"</h2><p>"; for(var field in cursor.value) { s+= field+"="+cursor.value[field]+"<br/>"; } s+="</p>"; cursor.continue(); } document.queryselector("#status").innerhtml = s; } }
the only conversion required here was to take the user input and turn it into "real" date objects. once done, everything works great:
you can run the full demo below.
Published at DZone with permission of Raymond Camden, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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