Specification by Example Is Not a Test Framework
SBE is a collaboration framework to arrive at executable specifications. It won't work if you treat it as just another testing tool.
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Join For FreeIn this article, I will look at Specification by Example (SBE) as explained in Gojko Adzic’s book of the same name. It’s a collaborative effort between developers and non-developers to arrive at textual specifications that are coupled to automatic tests. You may also have heard of it as behavior-driven development or executable specifications. These are not synonymous concepts, but they do overlap.
It's a common experience in any large, complex project. Crucial features do not behave as intended. Something was lost in the translation between intention and implementation, i.e., business and development. Inevitably we find that we haven’t built quite the right thing. Why wasn’t this caught during testing? Obviously, we’re not testing enough, or the wrong things. Can we make our tests more insightful?
Some enthusiastic developers and SBE adepts jump to the challenge. Didn’t you know you can write all your tests in plain English? Haven’t you heard of Gherkin's syntax? She demonstrates the canonical Hello World of executable specifications, using Cucumber for Java.
Scenario: Items priced 100 euro or more are eligible for 5% discount for loyal customers
Given Jill has placed three orders in the last six months
When she looks at an item costing 100 euros or more
Then she is eligible for a 5% discount
Everybody is impressed. The Product Owner greenlights a proof of concept to rewrite the most salient test in Gherkin. The team will report back in a month to share their experiences. The other developers brush up their Cucumber skills but find they need to write a lot of glue code. It’s repetitive and not very DRY. Like the good coders they are, they make it more flexible and reusable.
Scenario: discount calculator for loyal customers
Given I execute a POST call to /api/customer/12345/orders?recentMonths=6
Then I receive a list of 3 OrderInfo objects
And a DiscountRequestV1 message for customer 12345 is put on the queue /discountcalculator
[ you get the message ]
Reusable yes, readable, no. They’re right to conclude that the textual layer offers nothing, other than more work. It has zero benefits over traditional code-based tests. Business stakeholders show no interest in these barely human-readable scripts, and the developers quickly abandon the effort.
It’s About Collaboration, Not Testing
The experiment failed because it tried to fix the wrong problem. It failed because better testing can’t repair a communication breakdown between getting from the intended functionality to implementation. SBE is about collaboration. It is not a testing approach.
You need this collaboration to arrive at accurate and up-to-date specifications. To be clear, you always have a spec (like you always have an architecture). It may not always be a formal one. It can be a mess that only exists in your head, which is only acceptable if you’re a one-person band. In all other cases, important details will get lost or confused in the handover between disciplines.
The word handover has a musty smell to it, reminiscent of old-school Waterfall: the go-to punchbag for everything we did wrong in the past, but also an antiquated approach that few developers under the age of sixty have any real experience with it. Today we’re Agile and multi-disciplinary. We don’t have specialists who throw documents over the fence of their silos.
It is more nuanced than that, now as well as in 1975. Waterfall didn’t prohibit iteration. You could always go back to an earlier stage. Likewise, the definition of a modern multi-disciplinary team is not a fungible collection of Jacks and Jills of all trades. Nobody can be a Swiss army knife of IT skills and business domain knowledge.
But one enduring lesson from the past is that we can’t produce flawless and complete specifications of how the software should function, before writing its code. Once you start developing, specs always turn out over-complete, under-complete, and just plain wrong in places. They have bugs, just like code. You make them better with each iteration. Accept that you may start off incomplete and imprecise.
You Always Need a Spec
Once we have built the code according to spec (whatever form that takes), do we still need that spec, as an architect’s drawing after the house was built? Isn’t the ultimate truth already in the code? Yes, it is, but only at a granular level, and only accessible to those who can read it. It gives you detail, but not the big picture. You need to zoom out to comprehend the why. Here’s where I live:
This is the equivalent of source code. Only people who have heard of the Dutch village of Heeze can relate this map to the world. It’s missing the context of larger towns and a country.
The next map zooms out only a little, but with the context of the country's fifth-largest city, it’s recognizable to all Dutch inhabitants.
The next map should be universal. Even if you can’t point out the Netherlands on a map, you must have heard of London.
Good documentation provides a hierarchy of such maps, from global and generally accessible to more detailed, requiring more domain-specific knowledge. At every level, there should be sufficient context about the immediately connecting parts.
If there is a handover at all, it’s never of the kind: “Here’s my perfect spec. Good luck, and report back in a month”. It’s the finalization of a formal yet flexible document created iteratively with people from relevant disciplines in an ongoing dialogue throughout the development process. It should be versioned, and tied to the software that it describes. Hence the only logical place is together with the source code repository, at least for specifications that describe a well-defined body of code, a module, or a service.
Such specs can rightfully be called the ultimate source of truth about what the code does, and why. Because everybody was involved and invested, everybody understands it, and can (in their own capacity) help create and maintain it.
However, keeping versioned specs with your software is no automatic protection against mismatches, when changes to the code don’t reflect the spec and vice versa. Therefore, we make the spec executable, by coupling it to testing code that executes the code that the spec covers and validates the results.
It sounds so obvious and attractive. Why isn’t everybody doing it if there’s a world of clarity to be gained? There are two reasons: it’s hard and you don’t always need SBE. We routinely overestimate the importance of the automation part, which puts the onus disproportionally on the developers. It may be a deliverable of the process, but it’s only the collaboration that can make it work.
More Art Than Science
Writing good specifications is hard, and it’s more art than science. If there ever was a need for clear, unambiguous, SMART writing, executable specifications fit the bill. Not everybody has a talent for it. As a developer with a penchant for writing, I flatter myself that I can write decent spec files on my own. But I shouldn’t – not without at least a good edit from a business analyst. For one, I don’t know when my assumptions are off the mark, and I can’t always avoid technocratic wording from creeping in. A process that I favor and find workable is when a businessperson drafts acceptance criteria which form the input to features and scenarios. Together with a developer, they are refined: adding clarity, and edge cases, and removing duplication and ambiguity. Only then can they be rigorous enough to be turned into executable spec files.
Writing executable specifications can be tremendously useful for some projects and a complete waste of time for others. It’s not at all like unit testing in that regard. Some applications are huge but computationally simple. These are the enterprise behemoths with their thousands of endpoints and hundreds of database tables. Their code is full of specialist concepts specific to the world of insurance, banking, or logistics. What makes these programs complex and challenging to grasp is the sheer number of components and the specialist domain they relate to. The math in Fintech isn’t often that challenging. You add, subtract, multiply, and watch out for rounding errors. SBE is a good candidate to make the complexity of all these interfaces and edge cases manageable.
Then there’s software with a very simple interface behind which lurks some highly complex logic. Consider a hashing algorithm, or any cryptographic code, that needs to be secure and performant. Test cases are simple. You can tweak the input string, seed, and log rounds, but that’s about it. Obviously, you should test for performance and resource usage. But all that is best handled in a code-based test, not Gherkin.
This category of software is the world of libraries and utilities. Their concepts stay within the realm of programming and IT. It relates less directly to concepts in the real world. As a developer, you don’t need a business analyst to explain the why. You can be your own. No wonder so many Open Source projects are of this kind.
Scenario: discount calculator for loyal customers
Given I execute a POST call to /api/customer/12345/orders?recentMonths=6
Then I receive a list of 3 OrderInfo objects
And a DiscountRequestV1 message for customer 12345 is put on the queue /discountcalculator
[ you get the message ]
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