There are four key limitations in memcached to keep in mind:
- The key used is a string with a maximum length of 250 bytes
- The value has a 1 megabyte size limit, which can be increased with the –I parameter
- No persistence
- It is not highly available
To install memcached on your Linux-based system, use either of the following commands, depending on the OS that it is being installed to:
apt-get install memcached
(Debian / Ubuntu)yum install memcached
(Red Hat / Fedora)
Once installed you can run memcached using the following command, where –d
causes memcached to run as a daemon process:
memcached –p <TCP port> -U <UDP port> -u <username> -d
Tip: Use memcached –h for up-to-date documentation on the memcached version you have installed on your server
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