You can use these commands either from your language-specific library (in which case they will be named the same as the raw commands) or from redis-cli
itself. The commands aren't case-sensitive, but are usually displayed as uppercase by convention.
Some of the commands we'll use to check on the data or data store itself without any type-specific prefixes. Try these:
shows every action taking place on the server. This is very useful for debugging, but gets noisy on a busy Redis server or with monitoring running.
shows the current Redis config.
KEYS [pattern]
finds all the keys that match the pattern. You can supply wildcards, too, such as ?
to match one character or *
to match none/one/many.
> MSET hat blue bag red
> KEYS *
1) "hat"
2) "bag"
> KEYS h*
1) "hat"
> KEYS ?a?
1) "hat"
2) "bag"
SCAN cursor [match PATTERN] [COUNT count]
iterates over all keys and returns the matching ones, using a cursor and returning the values in installments. This avoids performance problems related to a KEYS
query returning a huge number of results. With SCAN
, the first return value is the next value of the cursor, which you use to get the next batch of matching results. For example, on a (very generically named) set of 21 keys:
> scan 0
1) "9"
2) 1) "key:18"
2) "key:13"
3) "key:7"
4) "key:15"
5) "key:5"
6) "key:1"
7) "key:14"
8) "key:8"
9) "key:12"
10) "key:4"
> scan 9
1) "31"
2) 1) "key:20"
2) "key:3"
3) "key:21"
4) "key:19"
5) "key:2"
6) "key:6"
7) "key:9"
8) "key:16"
9) "key:17"
10) "key:11"
> scan 31
1) "0"
2) 1) "key:10"
also has sister commands HSCAN
, and ZSCAN
that will be covered under the hash, set, and sorted set sections respectively.
TYPE [key]
can return information about the datatype stored in a particular key. This is useful for finding out which of the prefixed commands to use to work with a particular key.
Command Prefixes
Redis commands sometimes behave differently depending which datatype is being handled. To indicate this, the commands are often prefixed with a character to indicate which datatype they work with. Here's the main ones to look out for:
H for hashes; S for sets; Z for sorted sets (because we already used S). L for lists, operations on the left-hand end of the list. R for lists (obviously!), operations on the right-hand end of the list.
There are some other conventions such as using M
for operations that handle multiple values and B
for blocking operations.
Namespacing Keys
Keys in Redis are simply strings; there isn't a built-in way to keep related keys together. By convention, though, we often use the colon character as a separator. This is very handy when used with the KEYS
command to find all keys matching a particular pattern. Some examples:
By keeping the keys descriptive and well-organized, it becomes easier to find data. It also becomes easier to identify data that is no longer needed. Since Redis is an in-memory datastore, being conscientious about tidying up is very important! There's more information about expiring keys in the "Persisting and Expiring Data" section.
Key/Value Commands
Let's start simple! SET
sets a value; GET
retrieves it; GETSET
sets the value and fetches the previous one:
> SET name Alice
> GET name
> GETSET name Bob
> GET name
Working with one key at a time might seem slow, so Redis offers commands for setting and reading multiple entries at one time — MGET
get multiple key/values MSET
set multiple key/values:
> MSET fruit apple cookie choc-chip
> MGET cookie fruit
1) "choc-chip"
2) "apple"
If you're counting items or otherwise working with numbers, there are some shortcut commands to make life easier.
and DECR
increment/decrement values (and create them if the key didn't already exist); INCRBY
add/subtract values from the current value.
> GET counter
> INCR counter
(integer) 1
> GET counter
> INCRBY counter 3
(integer) 4
> DECR counter
(integer) 3
> GET counter
Redis uses the string type to support other features, such as bitmaps. This is where values are written to individual bits in a string and used as a very compact way of storing, for example, a bunch of boolean fields for a particular item. The string is considered to be a string of 2^32 bits, all set to zero.
sets a particular bit in the bitmap; SETBIT
gets a particular bit in the bitmap.
> SETBIT prefs 5 1
(integer) 0
> SETBIT prefs 3 1
(integer) 0
> GETBIT prefs 100
(integer) 0
> GETBIT prefs 3
(integer) 1
Hash Commands
Hashes store multiple fields as the value for a particular key. They are a neater way of keeping related values together than using many similarly-named keys, for example. It's common to use a hash to store an object with properties, making use of the ability to set multiple fields.
Reading and writing individual fields is fairly easy using the HSET
and HGET
commands, and there is also support for operations handling multiple fields in one command.
sets a field in a hash; HMSET
sets multiple fields in a hash; HGET
gets a field from a hash; HMGET
gets multiple fields from a hash:
> HSET user:alice name alice
(integer) 1
> HMSET user:alice dress blue food mushrooms
> HGET user:alice food
We can inspect the hash in a few different ways:
returns the number of fields in the hash.
: The fields in the hash.
: The values of the fields in the hash.
returns keys interlaced with field values.
checks if this field exists in the hash.
> HMSET user:belle dress yellow name belle food cake
> HLEN user:belle
(integer) 3
> HKEYS user:belle
1) "dress"
2) "name"
3) "food"
> HVALS user:belle
1) "yellow"
2) "belle"
3) "cake"
> HGETALL user:belle
1) "dress"
2) "yellow"
3) "name"
4) "belle"
5) "food"
6) "cake"
> HEXISTS user:belle shoes
(integer) 0
We can also inspect within a hash using the HSCAN
command, which is especially useful on large hashes or when looking for a specific group of fields within a hash. This works like the SCAN
command mentioned above, using cursors to paginate the results as appropriate.
finds hashes and fields within them:
> HSCAN user:ariel 0
1) "0"
2) 1) "name"
2) "ariel"
3) "superpower"
4) "mermaid"
5) "dress"
6) "green tail"
7) "sisters"
8) "6"
> HSCAN user:ariel 0 MATCH s*
1) "0"
2) 1) "superpower"
2) "mermaid"
3) "sisters"
4) "6"
List Commands
Lists in Redis are a chain of values implemented by a linked-list data structure. Lists are very performant to work with when only the values near the beginning or end of the list are operated on. In Redis, these are visualized as the "left" and "right" ends of a list and have commands prefixed with L
and R
respectively. To add things onto either end of the list is a PUSH
command and to remove and return things from an end is a POP
Lists are useful for implementing stacks or queues in Redis.
adds a new value onto the left end of the list. RPUSH
adds a new value onto the right end of the list. LRANGE
returns some items from the list, specifying how many and where to start.
> LPUSH rhyme little
(integer) 1
> LPUSH rhyme twinkle
(integer) 2
> LPUSH rhyme twinkle
(integer) 3
> RPUSH rhyme star
(integer) 4
> LRANGE rhyme 0 -1
1) "twinkle"
2) "twinkle"
3) "little"
4) "star"
> LRANGE rhyme 1 2
1) "twinkle"
2) "little"
removes the leftmost value from the list and return it. RPOP
removes the rightmost value from the list and returns it. LLEN
returns how many items are in the list.
> LLEN rhyme
(integer) 4
> RPOP rhyme
> LPOP rhyme
> LRANGE rhyme 0 -1
1) "twinkle"
2) "little"
puts a value at a particular location in the list (must be within the current range of indexes of the list). LINDEX
gets a value from a specific position from either the left or right ends of the list. LINSERT
places a value before or after a particular other value anywhere in the list (performs better near the left end because there are fewer items to traverse).
> LPUSH rainbow yellow
(integer) 1
> LPUSH rainbow orange
(integer) 2
> LPUSH rainbow red
(integer) 3
> LSET rainbow 1 green
> LINDEX rainbow 2
> LINSERT rainbow BEFORE green amber
(integer) 4
> LRANGE rainbow 0 -1
1) "red"
2) "amber"
3) "green"
4) "yellow"
cuts the list down to size — very handy for a short buffer of things:
> LPUSH recent_orders latte
(integer) 1
> LPUSH recent_orders chai
(integer) 2
> LPUSH recent_orders smoothie
(integer) 3
> LRANGE recent_orders 0 -1
1) "smoothie"
2) "chai"
3) "latte"
> LTRIM recent_orders 0 1
> LRANGE recent_orders 0 -1
1) "smoothie"
2) "chai"
> LPUSH recent_orders mocha
(integer) 3
> LTRIM recent_orders 0 1
> LRANGE recent_orders 0 -1
1) "mocha"
2) "smoothie"
Set Commands
Redis has both sets and sorted sets, which are pretty similar but do use separate commands. This section covers the non-sorted variety first, with the sorted ones detailed a little later on. Sets are keys with multiple unique values, which can be useful for a use case where values cannot be duplicated. Sets are also great for comparing and combining together to answer questions that would be tricky with, for example, a traditional relational database store.
puts a value into a set (if it already exists, it won't be added again). SMEMBERS
shows all members of a set. SSCAN
inspects the contents of a set; it works like SCAN
and uses a cursor and optionally a pattern to match:
> SADD post:1:tags tech
(integer) 1
> SADD post:1:tags javascript
(integer) 1
> SADD post:1:tags tips
(integer) 1
> SADD post:1:tags couchdb
(integer) 1
> SADD post:2:tags couchdb
(integer) 1
> SADD post:2:tags pouchdb
(integer) 1
> SADD post:2:tags pouchdb
(integer) 0
> SMEMBERS post:2:tags
1) "pouchdb"
2) "couchdb"
> SSCAN post:2:tags 0
1) "0"
2) 1) "pouchdb"
2) "couchdb"
returns the combined contents of two or more sets, removing duplicates. SINTER
returns values that appear in two or more sets. SINTERSTORE
is the same as SINTER
, but stores the result in the named key rather than returning it:
> SINTER post:1:tags post:2:tags
1) "couchdb"
> SINTERSTORE overlap post:1:tags post:2:tags
(integer) 1
> SMEMBERS overlap
1) "couchdb"
> SUNION post:1:tags post:2:tags
1) "couchdb"
2) "tips"
3) "javascript"
4) "pouchdb"
5) "tech"
removes and returns a random element from the set, and SRANDMEMBER
returns a random value from the set without removing it from the set:
> SADD coin heads
(integer) 1
> SADD coin tails
(integer) 1
> SPOP coin
1) "tails"
Sorted Set Commands
Sorted sets sound a lot like sets, but in truth, the minor differences make them handy for quite different use cases. For sets, we hold multiple things alongside one another, but the sorted sets are great for counting things, leaderboards, and other short-term counting tasks. Since the sorting for sorted sets goes from low to high by default, many of the commands for working with sorted sets (all prefixed with Z
) have matching "sister" commands that reverse the order. The reverse order means that the highest scoring item appears first in the list.
puts a value into the sorted set with a score. ZINCR
adds to the score of a particular value in the sorted set (create the set and value as needed). ZRANGE
gets some or all members of the set in order of score (with smallest first). WITHSCORES
gets the scores as well as an additional return value after each item. ZREVRANGE
is similar to ZRANGE
but is sorted with the highest scores first, which is useful for most-viewed/commented/voted-type features:
> ZADD product_views 1 table
(integer) 1
> ZINCRBY product_views 1 bench
> ZINCRBY product_views 1 bench
> ZINCRBY product_views 1 wheelbarrow
> ZRANGE product_views 0 -1
1) "table"
2) "wheelbarrow"
3) "bench"
> ZREVRANGE product_views 0 0 WITHSCORES
1) "bench"
2) "2"
gets the current score of a particular value. ZRANK
finds out what "position" a value has if ranked in order of score, starting from zero. ZREVRANK
finds out what "position" a value has if ranked from highest score to lowest, starting from zero:
> ZINCRBY product_views 1 bench
> ZSCORE product_views bench
> ZRANK product_views bench
(integer) 2
> ZREVRANK product_views bench
(integer) 0