Pattern #1: Defining Quality Based on Context
Quality, especially in the context of software development, is subjective. This makes it incredibly difficult to discuss, and even more difficult to attempt to manage at scale. Gerald Weinberg stated it best in How Software is Built, defining quality as "value to some person".
Understanding the human element to quality opens the door to effectively communicating about quality, not just assuming that teams know the implications of "quality", "excellence", or "insert management-word-here". So, as it relates to quality assurance, how can teams assure the appropriate language and shared context?
Pattern #2 Built-in Quality and the Value Stream
The language of “built-in quality” tends to spark a connection with those generally seen as “builders”, and less so with those whose connection to quality is less direct than the production of a clear customer deliverable.
Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from what built-in quality should impart within a product development context. The concept of building in quality stems from Harold F. Dodge, spread further through W. Edwards Deming’s Out of the Crisis, stating that “quality can not be inspected into a product or service; it must be built into it”.
To provide context, Deming was discussing the process of mass inspection within a manufacturing facility as an ineffective means of improving quality. Earlier within the book, Deming also states that instead of inspection, an “improvement of production process” should be the aim, providing a definition of building in quality as “improvement of the production process”.
Pattern #3: Improvement of Mindset and Tooling
Developers love their tools. They also know what happens when they misuse tools – chaos, distrust, and abandonment. The mindset of tool danger is so prevalent that it even served to create the first line of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development: “individuals and interactions over processes and tools”.
Unfortunately, this tool-heavy approach is
also prevalent in implementations of quality assurance within scaled settings as well. While it may be exciting to attempt to roll out a Behavior-Driven Development tool to enhance alignment or focus obsessively over creating the perfect automated system test suite, emphasis on these efforts without paying equal attention to developing the necessary Lean and quality-first mindsets amongst an organization can ultimately limit the effectiveness of the tooling.
Specifically, within the context of SAFe, organizational leaders are encouraged to take a hands-on approach to quality, again relying on the principle of built-in quality to make any necessary improvements, including enhanced tooling. This aids in building the appropriate reverence and respect for the quality of the product, and, ultimately, the customer in the journey to delivering value.
Pattern #4: Shift Left — and Right
Software products have become more complex as new developments continue in the fields of artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Along with this, complexity has grown the mindset of “shifting left”, which aims to shorten the standard timeline and tests to get feedback more quickly and combat complexity. This is a key component for a Lean implementation and is also defined here as an essential benefit of a Lean quality assurance model.
However, along with shifting left, there should
also be a desire to shift right and utilize production systems and data to further validate quality and locate opportunities for improvement. This concept is often described as continuous testing, which encourages additional testing during the deployment, operation, and monitoring of an application.
In a scaled setting where products and teams tend to be large, this can be incredibly difficult, but the richness of the data potentially left unexplored is too valuable to be ignored in a comprehensive quality assurance strategy.
This is a preview of the Quality Assurance Patterns and Anti-Patterns Refcard. To read the entire Refcard, please download the PDF from the link above.