Build Acceptance Testing/Build Verification Testing
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Join For FreeBuild Verification test is a set of tests run on every new build to verify that build is testable before it is released to test team for further testing. These test cases are core functionality test cases that ensure application is stable and can be tested thoroughly. Typically this process is automated. If BVT fails that build is again get assigned to developer for fix.BVT is also called build acceptance testing. Build verification testing primarily checks for the project integrity and checks whether all the modules are integrated properly or not. Module integration testing is very important when different teams develop project modules. Many cases of application failure are due to improper module integration. Even in worst cases complete project gets scraped due to failure in module integration. All the test cases should have known expected result. Make sure all included critical functionality test cases are sufficient for application test coverage. Also do not include modules in BVT, which are not yet stable. There is no point using such modules or test cases in this testing. Build verification automation test suite executed after any new build.
- Result of build verification testing execution
- BVT owner inspects the result of build verification testing.
- If BVT fails then BVT owner diagnose the cause of failure.
- If the failure cause is defect in build, all the relevant information with failure logs is sent to respective developers.
- Developer on his initial diagnostic replies to team about the failure cause. Whether this is really a bug? And if it’s a bug then what will be his bug-fixing scenario.
- On bug fix once again BVT test suite is executed and if build passes BVT, the build is passed to test team for further detail functionality, performance and other testes.
BVT is nothing but a set of regression test cases that are executed each time for new build. This is also called as smoke test. Build is not assigned to test team unless and until the BVT passes. BVT can be run by developer or tester and BVT result is communicated throughout the team and immediate action is taken to fix the bug if BVT fails. BVT process is typically automated by writing scripts for test cases. These test cases should ensure application test coverage. BVT saves significant time, cost, and resources and after all no frustration of test team for incomplete build. To run the build verification tests first create Test List. Create a test list and populate it with the tests your BVT requires. Check the BVT and add the solution and the BVT to source code control. Create a Build Type, specifying to run the BVT test list as part of the build and run the BVT build Type. Build Verification Testalso known as Build Acceptance Test, is a set of tests run on each new build of aproduct to verify that the build is testable before the build is released into the hands of thetest team.
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