Create a Data Access Object for NetSuite Data Using JDBI
Get a quick overview of how to produce a SQL Object API for NetSuite by integrating with the CData JDBC Driver for NetSuite.
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Join For FreeJDBI is a SQL convenience library for Java that exposes two different style APIs: a fluent style and a SQL object style. The CData JDBC Driver for NetSuite integrates connectivity to live NetSuite data in Java applications. By pairing these technologies, you gain simple, programmatic access to NetSuite data. This article walks through building a basic Data Access Object (DAO) and the accompanying code to read and write NetSuite data.
Create a DAO for the NetSuite SalesOrder Entity
The interface below declares the desired behavior for the SQL object to create a single method for each SQL statement to be implemented.
public interface MySalesOrderDAO {
//insert new data into NetSuite
"INSERT INTO SalesOrder (Class_Name, SalesOrderTotal) values (:class_Name, :salesOrderTotal)") (
void insert( ("class_Name") String class_Name, ("salesOrderTotal") String salesOrderTotal);
//request specific data from NetSuite (String type is used for simplicity)
"SELECT SalesOrderTotal FROM SalesOrder WHERE Class_Name = :class_Name") (
String findSalesOrderTotalByClass_Name( ("class_Name") String class_Name);
* close with no args is used to close the connection
void close();
Open a Connection to NetSuite
Collect the necessary connection properties and construct the appropriate JDBC URL for connecting to NetSuite, which will typically look like the following:
jdbc:netsuite:Account Id=XABC123456;Password=password;User=user;Role Id=3;Version=2013_1;
The User and Password properties under the Authentication section must be set to valid NetSuite user credentials. In addition, the Account Id must be set to the ID of a company account that can be used by the specified User. The Role Id can be optionally specified to log in the user with limited permissions.
Use the configured JDBC URL to obtain an instance of the DAO interface. The particular method shown below will open a handle bound to the instance, so the instance needs to be closed explicitly to release the handle and the bound JDBC connection.
DBI dbi = new DBI("jdbc:netsuite:Account Id=XABC123456;Password=password;User=user;Role Id=3;Version=2013_1;");
MySalesOrderDAO dao =;
//do stuff with the DAO
Read NetSuite Data
With the connection open to NetSuite, simply call the previously defined method to retrieve data from the SalesOrder entity in NetSuite.
//display the result of our 'find' method
String salesOrderTotal = dao.findSalesOrderTotalByClass_Name("Furniture : Office");
Write NetSuite Data
It is also simple to write data to NetSuite using the previously defined method.
//add a new entry to the SalesOrder entity
dao.insert(newClass_Name, newSalesOrderTotal);
Since the JDBI library is able to work with JDBC connections, you can easily produce a SQL Object API for NetSuite by integrating with the CData JDBC Driver for NetSuite.
Published at DZone with permission of Jerod Johnson, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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