Custom Annotation in Java for SQL Injection Safe Parameters
How to verify if incoming data strings are safe from SQL Injection issues.
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Join For FreeHi Java Developers, In the today’s world of ORM, we are mostly using JPA based implementations for our persistence.
We also use JPA over Hibernate, Spring Data, or Spring JDBC templates quite often.
While these frameworks already address the issue of SQL Injection to a great extent, we do run into certain scenarios where you still want to verify if the incoming data string is SQL-Injection safe.
Just in case someone wonders what SQL-Injection is, you can look it up here for a minimalistic introduction :
We should remember that using even the best of the tools won’t help if they are used in the wrong manner.
What I mean is that you should never construct your database queries along with the values (in case you are crafting them yourselves). E.g: select name, area from city where name = ‘Oslo’ and country = ‘Norway’
You should instead always ensure that your implementation uses prepared statements and parameters, e.g: select name, area from city where name = :cityName and country = :countryName
This example is showing the usage of a named paramter, which could also be a just :?
in case you are just using position based parameters. This is pretty safe with regards to SQL-Injection.
Coming back to our discussion, If you still want to verify if your incoming parameter parameters are SQL-Injection safe, one of the approaches you could take, is creating a custom annotation for this.
This is the approach that I had taken. I am sharing it with you and hope it helps you guys.
I used it primarily for a spring based rest-inspired web application.
So my example project will be using spring boot.
So let’s get our hands dirty.
The Annotation
Provided you have a simple java project, the first thing would be to define the annotation interface SQLInjectionSafe
import javax.validation.Constraint;
import javax.validation.Payload;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
validatedBy = SQLInjectionSafeConstraintValidator.class) (
ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER}) ( {
RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) (
public @interface SQLInjectionSafe {
String message() default "{SQLInjectionSafe}";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
This is pretty straight forward. You define the annotation name and the targeted section of the code.
You should note the @Target( { ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
This would help you use your annotation over Fields and parameters, the most likely place for incoming data.
And you also specify the validator for the data. SQLInjectionSafeConstraintValidator.class
We take a look at the validator in the next section.
The Validator
In the Annotation interface we had specified the validator : @Constraint(validatedBy = SQLInjectionSafeConstraintValidator.class)
Now let’s create the validator itself which is the brain of our SQL-Injection safe annotation.
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class SQLInjectionSafeConstraintValidator implements ConstraintValidator<SQLInjectionSafe, String> {
public static final String SQL_TYPES =
private static final String[] sqlRegexps = {
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+CREATE(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+ALTER(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+TRUNCATE(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+LOCK(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+UNLOCK(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+RELEASE(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
// pre-build the Pattern objects for faster validation
private List<Pattern> validationPatterns = getValidationPatterns();
public void initialize(SQLInjectionSafe sqlInjectionSafe) { }
public boolean isValid(String dataString, ConstraintValidatorContext cxt) {
return isSqlInjectionSafe(dataString);
private boolean isSqlInjectionSafe(String dataString){
return true;
for(Pattern pattern : validationPatterns){
if(matches(pattern, dataString)){
return false;
return true;
private boolean matches(Pattern pattern, String dataString){
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(dataString);
return matcher.matches();
private static List<Pattern> getValidationPatterns(){
List<Pattern> patterns = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
for(String sqlExpression : sqlRegexps){
return patterns;
private static Pattern getPattern(String regEx){
return Pattern.compile(regEx, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE);
private boolean isEmpty(CharSequence cs) {
return cs == null || cs.length() == 0;
In the method isValid
, we deligate the verification to another method isSqlInjectionSafe
, and this is where the magic happens.
First we have a guard check on the incoming dataString is null safe. To do this, I could have used the commons StringUtils.isEmpty()
However, I would like to keep my annotations as self-dependent as possible. So, we have our own method isEmpty
, which is pretty similar to the apache-commons isEmpty
Then we run our dataString through a series of Regular Expressions to determine if it matches any standard pattern of an SQL malicious data. In the first set of regular expressions we verify if it matches with any of these simple SQL patterns:
The next set of expressions are:
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+CREATE(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+ALTER(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+TRUNCATE(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+LOCK(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+UNLOCK(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
"(?i)(.*)(\\b)+RELEASE(\\b)+(\\s)*(" + SQL_TYPES.replaceAll(",", "|") + ")(\\b)+\\s.*(.*)",
These regular expressions are tied to SQL_TYPES
. It ensures that you do not create, alter, trucate, lock, release, or describe sql-types like tables, views, triggers, etc. The full list of sql-types secured come from this constant SQL_TYPES
I have tried to create as holistic list of sql-types, as possible from my side.
Next is the final set of expressions to detect disruptive characters in SQL:
Should you need, you could expand the SQL_TYPES
and the set of regular-expressions even further.
Also one more thing to note is that we are pre-building the Pattern objects. Usually creating the Pattern object is the more time-consuming part. Now that we are already constructing those, we can expect a slight improvement in the performance (very slight improvement, something is better than nothing ;-) ).
The Usage
Now you can annotate your fields and parameters with @SQLInjectionSafe
private String id;
I have primarily used it in a spring mvc controller to validate the incoming request parameter.
Unfortunately, you cannot directly annotate a RequestParameter
with our annotation and expect it work. Spring MVC has it’s own way of running validators on RequestParameters.
Refer to these links for this scenario:
Hence why directly annotating a request parameter does not work. The way you get this to work is to create a wrapper class and in that wrapper class annotate our parameter. So you could create a wrapper class that looks something like this:
public static class IdWrapper{
private String id;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
Then you can use the wrapper in your controller like this:
value = "/getById) (
public MyResponseObject getById(
IdWrapper idWrapper){ ()
// do your stuff
Now when you have a validation Failure on the incoming parameter, Spring throws a BindException
. If not handeled, the BindException
is sent across as response directly.
To send a cleaner response, you can create an ExceptionHandler
method in the controller.
This could be something like this :
BindException.class) (
public WebResponse handleBindException(BindException be ){
return new MyResponseObject(false,
getBindExceptionMessage(be) // find and send an appropriate response
Please note that this way of validating request parameters in controllers is just one of the many possible ways of doing it. It is just that I found this approach more convenient and clean among the other approaches.
You can run the web application by running
. You can check what responses you get when you get these URLs:
http://localhost:3000//api/data/getById?id=create table abcd
Testing It
Since we are implementing something of significant importance, we better back it up with unit tests. I have done that and you will find it in the
source code on GitHub.
What we have tested with is the most common occurances of SQL embedded in regular data:
String[] maliciousDataSamples = {
"select adf from abc",
"insert into abcd",
"update abcd",
"delete from abcd",
"upsert abcd",
"call abcd",
"rollback ",
"create table abc",
"drop table",
"drop view",
"alter table abc",
"truncate table abc",
"desc abc",
We have also tested some SQL-disruptive data like:
String[] sqlDisruptiveDataSamples = {
"someone -- abcd",
"abcd /* adf */ adf",
We have thoroughly verified if these malicious data samples are rejected when they are:
Prefixed and suffixed by something
Small letters
We should let good data to pass through. We verified that as well in the good data unit tests
You can find the sample project of this on GitHub here.
Include this directly as library/dependency into your project.
I have converted this into an open-source library which can be used in your project by including this as a dependency
Include this in your pom.xml
to add the library as a dependency
The GitHub Link to the Library is:
And Now the Necessary Formalities
I believe this approach is pretty effective and worked well for me.
***My disclaimer is that you should use it at your own risk after evaluating if this solution is good for you.
I sincerely hope this helps you. Do comment in with your opinions.
Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.