Handling Exceptions in Java Using Eclipse
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Join For FreeWhen creating an Exception class, the programmer has to designate a kind of exception that must be caught or optionally caught. If you declare the Exception class to extend Exception as shown below, the compiler will insist that the method that is being thrown should also be in a caught in catch block.
public class CodeName extends Exception
The compiler gives the programmer two choices when they call a method that throws an Exception that must be caught:
1. Add a try/catch in the code that is being call to catch the Exception
2. Pass the Exception back on to the caller
If the programmer chooses option two then they can do this by adding a "throws" clause to end of the method declaration line. The compiler will generate the code to pass the Exception back to the caller at run-time. In the code below, the AnApplcation program is calling a Java Bean object's openFile() method, passing it the file name. The compiler will say to the openFile() method at compile time: "How do you want to handle the Exception?"
The AJavaBean should realize there is nothing they can do in the openFile() method to fix the problem so the programmer should throw the Exception back to AnApplication. Eclipse can see the myProgram() in AnApplication is calling the openFile() method and when openFile() adds "throws FileNotFoundException" to its method declaration line, the compiler gives myProgram() method an error message asking the application method how it would like to handle the Exception.
public class AnApplication
public void myProgram()
public class AJavaBean
public void openFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException
file.open(filename); //open() may throw FileNotFoundException
If the programmer choose the first method then they can see below that all the code to process, open, and read are put into a try block. Once a method is called that might throw and Exception, the call has to be from within a try block because there is a chance of failure. If an Exception has been thrown by a method that is called in the try block shown below, the execution jumps out of the try block and into one of the catch blocks. The code that is left below that point in the try block is skipped as you can tell from the structure below. Execution will continue out the bottom of the catch block which branches to the bottom of the catch group if the catch block doesn’t stop the method processing by doing a return.
Try/Catch example in Java:
public void myProgram()
bean.openFile(fileName); // throws FileNotFoundException
help.readFileContents(); // throws ReadException
do.processFileData(); // throws ProcessException
catch(FileNotFoundException ex)
System.out.println(ex); // calls toString() on ex
catch(ReadException ex)
System.out.println(ex); // calls toString() on ex
catch(ProcessException ex)
System.out.println(ex); // calls toString() on ex
What happen if it was really vital that we close the file we open at the top of the try block? If you close it at the bottom of the try block, an exception is thrown and the execution will never get to the bottom of the try block. To guarantee the file gets closed, you would have to repeat the close() action in every one of the catch blocks which becomes repetitive coding. So you could remove all the close() and include a finally block at the bottom like shown below. After the try block has been entered, the finally code will be executed. The finally code will also be executed also if a catch block is entered, even if the catch does a return.
public void myProgram()
try {
bean.openFile(fileName); // throws FileNotFoundException
help.readFileContents(); // throws ReadException
do.processFileData(); // throws ProcessException
catch(FileNotFoundException ex)
System.out.println(ex); // calls toString() on ex
catch(ReadException ex)
System.out.println(ea); // calls toString() on ex
catch(ProcessException ex)
System.out.println(ex); // calls toString() on ex
All the catch blocks print the Exception object’s toString() on the console as an error message. If you are not going to differentiate processing for different kinds of Exceptions, then you could use a “catch-all” block. Since all exception objects are type Exception then they will be directed into this catch block as shown below. Any unanticipated types of exception will be caught also.
public void myProgram()
try {
bean.openFile(fileName); // throws FileNotFoundException
helper.readFileContents(); // throws ReadException
do.processFileData(); // throws ProcessException
catch(Exception ex)
System.out.println(ex); // calls toString() on ex
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