Import and Export Excel Files into Varbinary (Max) in SQL Server
See how to combine a bit of C#, MS SQL, and ASPX to create quick and easy import and export buttons for your database.
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in this article, you will learn how to import and export excel files into varbinary (max) in sql server using c#
what are the advantages of storing as a varbinary file?
- we don't need to depend on the file system.
- it will avoid data risks.
aspx code
just add two buttons:
<asp:button id="btnimportexceltodb" runat="server" text="importexceltodb" onclick="btnimportexceltodb_click" />
<asp:button id="btnexportexcelfromdb" runat="server" text="exportexcelfromdb" onclick="btnexportexcelfromdb_click" />
codebehind code
import code
//button click event for the importexceltodb
protected void btnimportexceltodb_click(object sender, eventargs e)
//specify the filepath where the file exist
string filename = "d:\tpms\uploaded_boq\raveena_boq1.xlsx";
//pass the filename as a parameter
// store excel sheet (or any file for that matter) into a sql server table
public void storeexcelfiletodatabase(string excelfilename)
// if file doesn't exist --> terminate (you might want to show a message box or something)
if (!file.exists(excelfilename))
// get all the bytes of the file into memory
byte[] excelcontents = file.readallbytes(excelfilename);
// define sql statement to use
string insertstmt = "insert into dbo.tender_excel_source(filename, filecontent) values(@filename, @binarycontent)";
// set up connection and command to do insert
using(sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection(osmc.constring_property))
using(sqlcommand cmdinsert = new sqlcommand(insertstmt, connection))
cmdinsert.parameters.add("@filename", sqldbtype.varchar, 500).value = excelfilename;
cmdinsert.parameters.add("@binarycontent", sqldbtype.varbinary, int.maxvalue).value = excelcontents;
// open connection, execute sql statement, close connection again;
export code
protected void btnexportexcelfromdb_click(object sender, eventargs e)
string filepathtostore = "d:\tpms\uploaded_boq\raveena_boq_from_db.xlsx";
retrieveexcelfilefromdatabase(4, filepathtostore);
public void retrieveexcelfilefromdatabase(int id, string excelfilename)
byte[] excelcontents;
string selectstmt = "select filecontent from dbo.tender_excel_source where file_sequence_no = @id";
using(sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection(osmc.constring_property))
using(sqlcommand cmdselect = new sqlcommand(selectstmt, connection))
cmdselect.parameters.add("@id", = id;;
excelcontents = (byte[]) cmdselect.executescalar();
file.writeallbytes(excelfilename, excelcontents);
database create table script
use [tpms_release1]
/****** object: table [dbo].[tender_excel_source] script date: 09-06-16 morning 10:19:05 ******/
set ansi_nulls on
set quoted_identifier on
set ansi_padding on
create table [dbo].[tender_excel_source](
[fk_tender_id] [int] null,
[file_sequence_no] [int] identity(1,1) not null,
[filename] [nvarchar](1024) null,
[filecontent] [varbinary](max) null
) on [primary] textimage_on [primary]
set ansi_padding off
when you're done, it should look like this:
click on the import button, and the excel file will have been converted to a byte file and will be saved like this:
click on the export button, and the opposite will happen:
i hope the above information was useful. kindly leave your feedback or suggestions.
Published at DZone with permission of Karthik Elumalai. See the original article here.
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