JDBC: Emulating a Sequence
See how to emulate a sequence.
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Join For FreeEach of us has probably encountered this problem at least once in our programming life — How do I emulate a database sequence? Below, you may find my variation of this problem's solution.
Suppose that we have an interface defining the desired API for returning a sequence of integer numbers:
public interface Sequences {
int nextValue(String sequenceName) throws SQLException;
and the implementation of this API in the following form:
class SequencesService implements Sequences {
private static final String SQL_QUERY =
private final DataSource dataSource;
SequencesService(final DataSource dataSource) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
public int nextValue(final String sequenceName) throws SQLException {
final long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
try (final Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
try (final PreparedStatement statement =
statement.setString(1, sequenceName);
try (final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery()) {
String.format("[%d] - select for update", threadId));
int nextValue = 1;
if (resultSet.next()) {
nextValue = 1 + resultSet.getInt(2);
resultSet.updateInt(2, nextValue);
} else {
resultSet.updateString(1, sequenceName);
resultSet.updateInt(2, nextValue);
String.format("[%d] - next val: %d", threadId, nextValue));
return nextValue;
} finally {
System.out.println(String.format("[%d] - commit", threadId));
You have to forgive me for two things :) — the println usage, which I added for generating some visual feedback...and a lack of detailed explanation on how this solution works. I'll just mention that the clue is the way a prepared statement is created and the result set handling: updateRow/moveToInsertRow/insertRow usage (see the links at the bottom of this post for the details).
I wrote a simple test case to observe and verify this code. Something like:
private Sequences sequences;
private Callable<Integer> callable() {
return () -> {
System.out.println(String.format("[%d] - starting", Thread.currentThread().getId()));
return sequences.nextValue("My Sequence");
public void test() throws Exception {
final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
final CompletionService<Integer> completion = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(executor);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int completed = 1; completed <= 3; completed++) {
final Future<Integer> result = completion.take();
System.out.println(String.format("Result %d - %d", completed, result.get()));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(completed), result.get());
When run, the output will be something like this (threads' IDs in the brackets):
[16] - starting
[18] - starting
[17] - starting
[17] - select for update
[17] - next val: 1
[17] - commit
[18] - select for update
Result 1 - 1
[18] - next val: 2
[18] - commit
[16] - select for update
[16] - next val: 3
[16] - commit
Result 2 - 2
Result 3 - 3
This code is just for demonstration purposes. If you want to do something similar in your project, it's probable that you would rather use it for Spring Framework's @Transactional annotation instead of manual transactions handling or even JPA delegating this work to JDBC. For example, in Hibernate, you may do it somehow like this:
import org.hibernate.Session;
.doReturningWork(connection -> { ... code derived from my example ... });
- Updating Rows in ResultSet Objects (JDBC)
- Inserting Rows in ResultSet Objects (JDBC)
- Declarative transaction management and Using @Transactional (Spring Framework)
- ReturningWork (JPA, Hibernate)
Here is the GitHub repository holding all my code experiments for this post.
Thanks for reading!
Published at DZone with permission of Michal Jastak, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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