Merge Sort In Java
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Join For Free// A simple (i.e., not particularly optimized) implementation of merge sort in Java.
// I tested the sorting capacities on several documents of increasing size:
// Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, Mark Twain's _Innocents Abroad_,
// George Eliot's _Middlemarch_, and Leo Tolstoy's _War and Peace_.
// The sort operation itself is very fast -- under 2 seconds for War and Peace.
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
* A few factoids about MergeSort:
* 1) while it gets better performance on the modern PC (because it takes advantage of caching
* better than, say, HeapSort)
* 2) It requires more space than HeapSort -- HeapSort runs in place, while MergeSort requires
* extra memory space to hold the recursive calls. So if you're short on memory,
* go for HeapSort
* 3) MergeSort is stable -- the order of the list never changes once it's set.
* 4) MergeSort is very easy to run in parallel, for obvious reasons.
* 5) If you need to chew through very large files, you can use MergeSort to write out
* temporary results to a file and it will work fine. HeapSort, by comparison,
* relies strongly on random access and so doesn't operate as well on disk storage media.
* @author Roger
public class MergeTest {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String[] files = { "lincoln2.txt", "lincoln.txt", "twain2.txt",
"twain3.txt", "twain.txt", "eliot.txt", "tolstoy.txt" };
SimpleDateFormat format =
new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss-SSS zzz yyyy");
/* String[] testCase = {"aa",
System.out.println("---------TEST MERGE W ARRAY ------------");
for (int x = 0; x < files.length; x++) {
String[] testCase = readFile(files[x]);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Date now = new Date(start);
System.out.println("File: " + files[x]);
System.out.println("Total words: " + testCase.length);
System.out.println("begin test: " + format.format(now));
MergeTest merge = new MergeTest();
String[] sortTest = merge.mergeSort(testCase);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
now = new Date(end);
System.out.println("end test: " + format.format(now));
System.out.println("total time: " + (end - start));
System.out.print("\nbefore: {");
for (int x = 0; x < testCase.length; x++) {
System.out.println(testCase[x] + " ");
System.out.println("} ");
System.out.print("after: {");
for (int x = 0; x < sortTest.length; x++) {
System.out.println(sortTest[x] + " ");
System.out.println("} ");
public String[] mergeSort(String[] list) {
String [] sorted = new String[list.length];
if (list.length == 1) {
sorted = list;
} else {
int mid = list.length/2;
String[] left = null;
String[] right = null;
if ((list.length % 2) == 0) {
left = new String[list.length/2];
right = new String[list.length/2];
} else { //
left = new String[list.length/2];
right = new String[(list.length/2)+1];
int x=0;
int y=0;
for ( ; x < mid; x++) {
left[x] = list[x];
for ( ; x < list.length; x++) {
right[y++] = list[x];
left = mergeSort(left);
right = mergeSort(right);
//sorted = merge(left,right);
sorted = mergeArray(left,right);
return sorted;
private String[] merge(String[] left, String[] right) {
List merged = new ArrayList();
List lstLeft = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(left));
List lstRight = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(right));
int comp = 0;
while (!lstLeft.isEmpty() || !lstRight.isEmpty()) {
if (lstLeft.isEmpty()) {
} else if (lstRight.isEmpty()) {
} else { // they both have elements, compare them
comp = lstLeft.get(0).compareTo(lstRight.get(0));
if (comp > 0) {
} else if (comp < 0) {
} else { // they're equal -- just put one in
return merged.toArray(new String[merged.size()]);
private String[] mergeArray(String[] left, String[] right) {
String[] merged = new String[left.length+right.length];
int lIndex = 0;
int rIndex = 0;
int mIndex = 0;
int comp = 0;
while (lIndex < left.length || rIndex < right.length) {
if (lIndex == left.length) {
merged[mIndex++] = right[rIndex++];
} else if (rIndex == right.length) {
merged[mIndex++] = left[lIndex++];
} else { // they both have elements. Compare them
comp = left[lIndex].compareTo(right[rIndex]);
if (comp > 0) {
merged[mIndex++] = right[rIndex++];
} else if (comp < 0) {
merged[mIndex++] = left[lIndex++];
} else { // they're equal
merged[mIndex++] = left[lIndex++];
return merged;
public static String[] readFile(String filename) throws IOException {
BufferedReader inputStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
List testList = new ArrayList();
String[] sample = null;
String l;
while ((l = inputStream.readLine()) != null) {
sample = l.split(" ");
for (int x=0; x < sample.length; x++) {
return testList.toArray(new String[testList.size()]);
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