Refactoring into Scala Type Classes
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Join For FreeA couple of weeks back I wrote about type class implementation
in Scala using implicits. Type classes allow you to model orthogonal
concerns of an abstraction without hardwiring it within the abstraction
itself. This takes the bloat away from the core abstraction
implementation into separate independent class structures. Very
recently I refactored Akka actor
serialization and gained some real insights into the benefits of using
type classes. This post is a field report of the same.
Inheritance and traits looked good ..
.. but only initially. Myself and Jonas Boner had some cool discussions
on serializable actors where the design we came up with looked as
follows ..
trait SerializableActor extends Actor
trait StatelessSerializableActor extends SerializableActor
trait StatefulSerializerSerializableActor extends SerializableActor {
val serializer: Serializer
trait StatefulWrappedSerializableActor extends SerializableActor {
def toBinary: Array[Byte]
def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte])
// .. and so on
All these traits make the concerns of serializability just too coupled
with the core Actor implementation. And with various forms of
serializable actors, clearly we were running out of class names. One of
the wisdoms that the GoF Patterns book taught us was that when you
struggle naming your classes using inheritance, you're definitely doing
it wrong! Look out for other ways that separate the concerns more
With Type Classes ..
We took the serialization stuff out of the core Actor abstraction into a separate type class.
* Type class definition for Actor Serialization
trait FromBinary[T <: Actor] {
def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], act: T): T
trait ToBinary[T <: Actor] {
def toBinary(t: T): Array[Byte]
// client needs to implement Format[] for the respective actor
trait Format[T <: Actor] extends FromBinary[T] with ToBinary[T]
We define 2 type classes FromBinary[T <: Actor] and ToBinary[T <: Actor] that the client needs to implement in order to make actors serializable. And we package them together as yet another trait Format[T <: Actor] that combines both of them.
Next we define a separate module that publishes APIs to serialize actors that use these type class implementations ..
* Module for actor serialization
object ActorSerialization {
def fromBinary[T <: Actor](bytes: Array[Byte])
(implicit format: Format[T]): ActorRef = //..
def toBinary[T <: Actor](a: ActorRef)
(implicit format: Format[T]): Array[Byte] = //..
//.. implementation
Note that these type classes are passed as implicit arguments that the
Scala compiler will pick up from the surrounding lexical scope. Here's
a sample test case which implements the above strategy ..
A sample actor with encapsulated state. Note that we no longer have any
incidental complexity of my actor having to inherit from any
specialized Actor class ..
class MyActor extends Actor {
var count = 0
def receive = {
case "hello" =>
count = count + 1
self.reply("world " + count)
and the client implements the type class for protocol buffer based serialization and package it as a Scala module ..
object BinaryFormatMyActor {
implicit object MyActorFormat extends Format[MyActor] {
def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], act: MyActor) = {
val p = Serializer.Protobuf
.fromBinary(bytes, Some(classOf[ProtobufProtocol.Counter]))
act.count = p.getCount
def toBinary(ac: MyActor) =
We have a test snippet that uses the above type class implementation ..
import ActorSerialization._
import BinaryFormatMyActor._
val actor1 = actorOf[MyActor].start
(actor1 !! "hello").getOrElse("_") should equal("world 1")
(actor1 !! "hello").getOrElse("_") should equal("world 2")
val bytes = toBinary(actor1)
val actor2 = fromBinary(bytes)
(actor2 !! "hello").getOrElse("_") should equal("world 3")
Note that the state is correctly serialized by toBinary and then subsequently de-serialized to get the updated value of the Actor state.
This refactoring has made the core actor implementation much cleaner
moving away the concerns of serialization to a separate abstraction.
The client code also becomes cleaner in the sense that the client actor
definition does not include details of how the actor state is being
serialized. Scala's power of implicit arguments and executable modules
made this type class based implementation possible.
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