Spring Integration Mock SftpServer Example
In this example I will show how to test Spring Integration flow using Mock SftpServer.
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Join For Freein continuation of my earlier blog spring integration fakeftpserver example in this example i will show how to test spring integration flow using mock sftpserver. there a are few good writeups on the net including the stackoverflow writeup, using apache mina as a mock/in memory sftp server for unit testing. the code for this blog is @ spring integration flow to test ftp/sftp server .
to run the junit test, run “mvn test” and understand the test flow.
again talking about the same spring integration flows as mentioned in my earlier blog, i will write a test for a sftp server,
the maven dependency for this is as below,
the startup and teardown of the junit is as below,
public void beforetestsetup() throws exception {
sshd = sshserver.setupdefaultserver();
sshd.setkeypairprovider(new simplegeneratorhostkeyprovider("hostkey.ser"));
sshd.setpasswordauthenticator(new passwordauthenticator() {
public boolean authenticate(string username, string password, serversession session) {
// todo auto-generated method stub
return true;
commandfactory mycommandfactory = new commandfactory() {
public command createcommand(string command) {
system.out.println("command: " + command);
return null;
sshd.setcommandfactory(new scpcommandfactory(mycommandfactory));
list<namedfactory<command>> namedfactorylist = new arraylist<namedfactory<command>>(); namedfactorylist.add(new sftpsubsystem.factory()); sshd.setsubsystemfactories(namedfactorylist); sshd.start(); }
public void teardown() throws exception { sshd.stop(); }
the junit test is as below,
public void testputandgetfile() throws exception {
jsch jsch = new jsch();
hashtable config = new hashtable();
config.put("stricthostkeychecking", "no");
session session = jsch.getsession("remote-username", "localhost", 22999);
channel channel = session.openchannel("sftp");
channelsftp sftpchannel = (channelsftp) channel;
final string testfilecontents = "some file contents";
string uploadedfilename = "uploadfile";
sftpchannel.put(new bytearrayinputstream(testfilecontents.getbytes()), uploadedfilename);
string downloadedfilename = "downloadfile";
sftpchannel.get(uploadedfilename, downloadedfilename);
file downloadedfile = new file(downloadedfilename);
string filedata = getfilecontents(downloadedfile);
assertequals(testfilecontents, filedata);
if (sftpchannel.isconnected()) {
logger.debug("disconnected channel");
if (session.isconnected()) {
logger.debug("disconnected session");
i hope this blog helped you.
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