Testing the Client Side of RESTful Services (Without Using Mocks)
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Developing an application that uses RESTful web API may imply developing server and client side. Writing integration tests for the server side can be as easy as using Arquillian to start up server and REST-assured to test that the services works as expected. The problem is how to test the client side. In this post, we are going to see how to test the client side apart from using mocks.
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.rest-driver</groupId> <artifactId>rest-client-driver</artifactId> <version>1.1.27</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
public class GithubClient { private static final int HTTP_STATUS_CODE_OK = 200; private String githubBaseUri; public GithubClient(String githubBaseUri) { this.githubBaseUri = githubBaseUri; } public String invokeGetMethod(String resourceName) { Client client = Client.create(); WebResource webResource = client.resource(githubBaseUri+resourceName); ClientResponse response = webResource.type("application/json") .accept("application/json").get(ClientResponse.class); int statusCode = response.getStatus(); if(statusCode != HTTP_STATUS_CODE_OK) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error code "+statusCode); } return response.getEntity(String.class); } }
@Rule public ClientDriverRule driver = new ClientDriverRule(); @Test public void issues_from_project_should_be_retrieved() { driver.addExpectation( onRequestTo("/repos/lordofthejars/nosqlunit/issues"). withMethod(Method.GET), giveResponse(GET_RESPONSE)); GithubClient githubClient = new GithubClient(driver.getBaseUrl()); String issues = githubClient.invokeGetMethod("/repos/lordofthejars/nosqlunit/issues"); assertThat(issues, is(GET_RESPONSE)); }
- We use ClientDriverRule @Rule annotation to add the client-driver to a test.
- And then using methods provided by RestClientDriver class, expectations are recorded.
- See how we are setting the base URL using driver.getBaseUrl()
@Test(expected=IllegalStateException.class) public void http_errors_should_throw_an_exception() { driver.addExpectation( onRequestTo("/repos/lordofthejars/nosqlunit/issues") .withMethod(Method.GET), giveEmptyResponse().withStatus(401)); GithubClient githubClient = new GithubClient(driver.getBaseUrl()); githubClient.invokeGetMethod("/repos/lordofthejars/nosqlunit/issues"); }
Published at DZone with permission of Alex Soto, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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