URL Encoding and Decoding Using Java
If you find yourself encoding and decoding URLs often, take a look at how to do it in Java while staying on alert in case you need multiple iterations.
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Join For FreeIt is a common requirement to implement URL encoding and decoding in Java while creating crawlers or downloaders. This post focuses on creating modules for encoding and decoding of a passed URL. You can take a look at the source code on GitHub.
Main Method
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String url="https%3A%2F%2Fr1---sn-ci5gup-cags.googlevideo.com%2Fvideoplayback%3Fpcm2cms%3Dyes%26mime%3Dvideo%252Fmp4%26pl%3D21%26itag%3D22%26\u0026itag=43\u0026type=video%2Fwebm%3B+codecs%3D%22vp8.0%2C+vorbis%22\u0026quality=medium";
String url2="https://r1---sn-ci5gup-cags.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?pcm2cms=yes&mime=video/mp4&pl=21&itag=22&&itag=43&type=video/webm; codecs=\"vp8.0, vorbis\"&quality=medium";
String decodeURL = decode(url);
System.out.println("Decoded URL: "+decodeURL);
String encodeURL = encode(url2);
System.out.println("Encoded URL2: "+encodeURL);
How It Works
is the variable containing the encoded URL that we want to decode.url2
is the variable containing the URL we want to encode.We call the decode method, which decodes and prints the URL.
We call the encode method, which encodes and prints url2.
Encode Method
public static String encode(String url)
try {
String encodeURL=URLEncoder.encode( url, "UTF-8" );
return encodeURL;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return "Issue while encoding" +e.getMessage();
How It Works
We use the encode method of a predefined Java class named URLEncoder.
The encode method of URLEncoder takes two arguments:
The first argument defines the URL to be encoded.
The second argument defines the encoding scheme to be used.
After encoding, the resulting encoded URL is returned.
Decode Method
public static String decode(String url)
try {
String prevURL="";
String decodeURL=url;
decodeURL=URLDecoder.decode( decodeURL, "UTF-8" );
return decodeURL;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return "Issue while decoding" +e.getMessage();
How It Works
Because the same URL can be encoded multiple times, we need to decode it until the URL cannnot be decoded further. For example, "video%252Fmp4" is the result of two encodings. Upon decoding it once, we get "video%2Fmp4". Now the URL needs to be further decoded so that we get "video/mp4", which is the result.
We use the decode method of a predefined Java class named URLDecoder.
The decode method of URLDecoder takes two arguments:
The first argument defines the URL to be decoded.
The second argument defines the decoding scheme to be used.
After decoding, the resulting decoded URL is returned.
We create two variables: prevURL, which is empty, and decodeURL, which contains the URL to be decoded.
41Variable State:
2prevURL = ""
3decodeURL ="somethingvideo%252Fmp4"
We create an iteration that runs until prevURL!=decodeURL
Now we update prevURL to decodeURL and update decodeURL with the decoded value of the URL passed.
x1Variable State:
2prevURL = "somethingvideo%252Fmp4"
3decodeURL ="somethingvideo%2Fmp4"
As you can see, prevURL!=decodeURL, so we run it again.
41Variable State:
2prevURL = "somethingvideo%2Fmp4"
3decodeURL ="somethingvideo/mp4"
And again.
41Variable State:
2prevURL = "somethingvideo/mp4"
3decodeURL ="somethingvideo/mp4"
Now, prevURL=decodeURL, so the decoded URL is returned.
Decoded URL: https://r1---sn-ci5gup-cags.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?pcm2cms=yes&mime=video/mp4&pl=21&itag=22&&itag=43&type=video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"&quality=medium
Encoded URL2: https%3A%2F%2Fr1---sn-ci5gup-cags.googlevideo.com%2Fvideoplayback%3Fpcm2cms%3Dyes%26mime%3Dvideo%2Fmp4%26pl%3D21%26itag%3D22%26%26itag%3D43%26type%3Dvideo%2Fwebm%3B+codecs%3D%22vp8.0%2C+vorbis%22%26quality%3Dmedium
Full Program
package com.cooltrickshome;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
public class URLEncodeDecode {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String url="https%3A%2F%2Fr1---sn-ci5gup-cags.googlevideo.com%2Fvideoplayback%3Fpcm2cms%3Dyes%26mime%3Dvideo%252Fmp4%26pl%3D21%26itag%3D22%26\u0026itag=43\u0026type=video%2Fwebm%3B+codecs%3D%22vp8.0%2C+vorbis%22\u0026quality=medium";
String url2="https://r1---sn-ci5gup-cags.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?pcm2cms=yes&mime=video/mp4&pl=21&itag=22&&itag=43&type=video/webm; codecs=\"vp8.0, vorbis\"&quality=medium";
String decodeURL = decode(url);
System.out.println("Decoded URL: "+decodeURL);
String encodeURL = encode(url2);
System.out.println("Encoded URL2: "+encodeURL);
public static String decode(String url)
try {
String prevURL="";
String decodeURL=url;
decodeURL=URLDecoder.decode( decodeURL, "UTF-8" );
return decodeURL;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return "Issue while decoding" +e.getMessage();
public static String encode(String url)
try {
String encodeURL=URLEncoder.encode( url, "UTF-8" );
return encodeURL;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return "Issue while encoding" +e.getMessage();
I hope this helps!
Published at DZone with permission of Anurag Jain, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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