Cloud tagging is the practice of assigning custom names to cloud resources. Cloud tag comprises two – Key and Value. Key for categories and value for metadata
Construct a data model catalog in a relational database and a mechanism that monitors and reports the changes related to this data model and catalog content.
Introduce yourself to the world of natural language processing (NLP) by learning about some basic algorithms for stemming and splitting words automatically.
In this article, we will take a look at what cloud security audit is, why it is important, and some of the top tools and techniques used in the industry.
Speech recognition has a variety of important uses in consumer and commercial technology alike. Take advantage of a free speech-to-text API with Node.js code examples.
While they may seem similar, Developer Experience isn't “User Experience for developers”. Learn the differences that can strengthen your API business strategy.
Learn about the implementation of a simple asynchronous processing use case in Rails utilizing a sample application into which I have integrated the code.
Choosing the right event streaming approach is critical for enterprise architects and application developers. These technologies will help apps scale up around data.
In this version of API Security Weekly, learn about a DPD parcel tracking flaw, Apache Pulsar and Casdoor vulnerabilities, and trends in the API industry.