88% of respondents use online communities as their primary learning method. See what else they had to say about the state of dev today.
Apache Cassandra combines the benefits of major NoSQL databases to support data management needs not covered by traditional RDBMS vendors.
Join us to hear engineering leaders present "How to Migrate 400M Rows from MySQL with Zero Downtime" to discover how to improve your database’s performance at scale.
This webinar will showcase the seamless migration from MySQL to SingleStoreDB on AWS cloud using Arcion tools and the benefits of a zero-downtime migration.
Listen firsthand to Publica's experiences migrating data from MySQL easily with Arcion in order to achieve blazing-fast performance at scale with SingleStore.
How to migrate from MySQL to SingleStore with zero downtime using Arcion
Migration benefits including performance and scale that wasn’t possible on MySQL
How to improve your business intelligence and decision-making insights with this migration
Jason Cockerham
Moderator & Community Engagement Manager, DZone
Rajkumar Sen
CTO & Founder of Arcion
Franco Gilio
Co-founder & CTO of Publica
Manish Kumar
Staff Product Manager, SingleStore
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