Learn how to make asynchronous API calls from Spring Boot using Spring Cloud OpenFeign and Spring @Async to reduce the response time to that of a one-page call.
Learning a cloud platform takes a long time. If you are familiar with AWS, this is the overview you need to get started quickly to understand Google Cloud.
The Jakarta EE Ambassadors are thrilled to see Jakarta EE 10 being released! This is a milestone release that bears great significance to the Java ecosystem.
Learn the reasons to use application databases and explicit publishing of data in your architecture, and how to manage growth in your data scope and size.
What is a developer experience and why does it matter? API products can't succeed without developers. How can you make their lives better? Read on to find out.
APIs are an integral part of digital business strategy today. As such, you must ensure your APIs are secure for your business and others who access them.
Develop a simple app in minutes with a React frontend that makes GraphQL calls against a Spring Boot Data JPA service backed by Oracle database and accessed via UCP.
With the rise of the low-code movement comes the question, is low-code viable for developers? The short answer depends on the tool and the requirement.
Here, discover the fire of Prometheus and evaluate its use to observe systems enforcing the exposure of contextual metrics of the system's specific business.