This comprehensive deep dive into Java classes is as much history as it is education. In Part 1, we focus on class makeup to make classes more intuitive for developers.
Use Spring Data JPA with Liquibase and PostgreSQL to manage the persistence layer of Spring Boot apps, and Project Lombok to avoid writing boilerplate code.
If you're ever gotten this frustrating message, fear not, it's root causes can usually be gleaned from the type of error message that is thrown. We'll show you how.
This review of JArchitect covers its use as a software analysis tool, its potential uses, its position within the Java ecosystem, and where it falls short.
Learn about some of the tools you can use to help clients consume your API and create integrations by ensuring that it has informational documentation.
Taking some inspiration from Python's argparse module, Argparse4j is a useful command-line argument parser library to consider when working with Python scripts.