Consider using Abstract Factory Method when implementing ASP.NET Core Web API with Onion Architecture. Adjustments may be needed based on data access tech.
Get a head start on your Jenkins pipeline with our pre-built template for continuous testing. Explore this comprehensive list of test cases and scenarios.
For the 23rd year, Techno Security and Digital Forensics Conference East brought practitioners from law enforcement, academia, and security industry pros.
You can use Liquibase and the Testcontainers library to make integration testing much less headache-inducing. I’ll show you how to do it, step by step.
In this article, learn about JdbcTemplateMapper, a simple library that makes the usage of Spring JdbcTemplate less verbose for CRUD and relationship queries.
The CD Foundation and OpenGitOps communities joined forces in Vancouver to create cdCon + GitOpsCon for a conference about the future of DevOps tools and best practices.
Bloom filters enable efficient set membership testing with minimal memory, allow a small probability of false positives, and are used in spell checkers and CDNs.