A browser-in-the-browser (BitB) attack involves a replica of a single sign-on (SSO) authentication window popping up. It can be hard to spot, but you can take measures to protect against BitB scams.
Flutter and React Native are both excellent choices for cross-platform application development. While they share some similarities, there are also some key differences that you should be aware of before deciding which one to use.
Chatbots can significantly improve how we communicate and interact with technology. Explore the potential of GPT-3 and other language-generation tools.
This article reviews JavaScript UI libraries that can be considered alternatives to ag-Grid and Handsontable to integrate grids and spreadsheets into web apps.
I started implementing OpenAI into Magic. It took me no more than two days to teach it Hyperlambda to an accuracy of 90%. What does this mean for our industry?
As a time-tested lean business technique, Value Stream Management (VSM) primarily focuses on the value of software development and delivery initiatives across the SDLC.
In 2022 the news about artificial intelligence (AI) and automatic learning (Machine Learning or ML) have skyrocketed and are expected to accelerate in 2023.
E-signatures have many benefits, such as higher security. An e-signature API can make the signing experience much easier, but what's the best way to implement it: buying an API or building one?
This article will dive into the performance of virtual threading functionality with Project Loom and Kotlin using guide charts and code for readers to follow.
AI democratization has come a long way from the days of "Auto ML" tools, but the real democratization of AI through tools like ChatGPT and Dall-E 2 brings its own set of dangers.