Key Benefits
Quarkus offers near-instant scale-up and high-density utilization in container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes. Many more application instances can be run using the same hardware resources. In Quarkus, classes used only at application startup are invoked at build time and not loaded into the runtime JVM.
Quarkus also avoids reflection as much as possible. These design principles reduce the size and the memory footprint of an application running on the JVM. Quarkus’ design accounts for native compilation from the onset; optimization for using GraalVM, specifically its native image capability, to compile JVM bytecode to a native machine binary.
Additionally, Quarkus rests on a vast ecosystem of technologies, standards, libraries, and APIs. Developers don’t have to spend lots of time learning an entirely new set of APIs and technologies to take advantage of the benefits Quarkus brings to the JVM or native images.
This is a preview of the Getting Started With Quarkus Refcard. To read the entire Refcard, please download the PDF from the link above.
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