How can we use Java in IoT and industry? Why is industrial automation so important? Click here to learn more about Java, industrial automation, and the Industry 3.0.
If you're curious who is using serverless technology seriously in big corporations, then you'll want to check out this quick case study that covers how Coca-Cola is leveraging this technology.
This hands-on guide aims to explain the basic principles behind H2O and get you as a data scientist started as quickly as possible in the most simple way.
This detailed and expansive post on Kubernetes will give you plenty of information about the features that have made it the most popular container orchestrator.
Like all big data, master data offers important opportunities for machine learning analytics. Embedded analytics of anonymized master data can yield powerful insights.
This clever self-made project features a pick and place machine for rapid, largely automated microcontroller assembly with some help from the OpenPnP framework.
A platform with multiple genres of movies and shows catering to different customer groups needs an effective mechanism to tailor suggestions. AI can help.
Skymind combines open-source and custom tooling to create two main toolchains that integrate well with other frequently used tools in the data science tool bag.