Building Salesforce Using Atlassian Bitbucket Pipelines
In this tutorial, we explore using Bitbucket Pipelines, Docker, and Force Migration Tool to deploy Salesforce code, with Zone Leader John Vester.
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Join For FreeEarlier this year, I wrote an article about Atlassian introducing Pipelines to the Bitbucket git-based repository. Back in December 2015, I wrote another article focused on using Atlassian Bamboo to deploy to Salesforce environments. This article will provide a simple example on how to use Bitbucket Pipelines to deploy to Salesforce, leveraging what I presented in the two referenced articles.
Setting Up Bitbucket
The first step is to make sure a repository exists within Atlassian Bitbucket, containing the Salesforce org Metadata to be deployed. While it is not possible to deploy every Metadata element using the Force Migration Tool, I still prefer to extract all the Metadata into the source repository. I feel better knowing that a copy of the design/data is stored and maintained outside the Salesforce ecosystem.
As a result, my src
structure resembles the following screenshot:
For this project, I am using the following .gitignore
Referenced Packages
In addition to the standard package.xml
in the src
folder, I created a deployPackageCSCore.xml
file, which is a subset of the package.xml
(created by Salesforce/Force Migration Tool) and contains a listing of the elements that are being deployed in our environment. As developers introduce new or remove unneeded objects, the changes are reflected in the deployPackageCSCore.xml
Setting Up Force Migration Tool
At the root level of the project, a build
folder exists and contains the following files:
Below is a summary of each of the files shown above:
ant-salesforce.jar - Force Migration Tool jar. - contains static property data (maxPoll, pollWaitMillis and general Slack information).
build.xml - logic used by Apache Ant (detailed below).
The build.xml executes the following logic:
Paint banner.
Paint deployment information.
Copy Source (optional) and rename deployPackageCSCore.xml to package.xml.
Delete Unmigrateable Files.
Deploy Code.
Post to Slack.
An example build.xml
is shown below:
<project name="Retrieve and Deploy SFDC metadata" default="testDeployOnly" basedir=".." xmlns:sf="antlib:com.salesforce">
<taskdef uri="antlib:com.salesforce"
<property file="${basedir}/build/"/>
<property name="slackMessage" value="Salesforce%20Deployment%20Complete!%0A%20-%20commit%20=%20${}%20%0A%20-%20branch%20=%20${}%0A%20-%20host%20=%20${sf.serverUrl}%0A%20-%20username%20=%20${sf.username}%0A%20-%20testLevel%20=%20*${sf.testLevel}*%0A%20-%20checkOnly%20=%20*${sf.checkOnly}*"/>
<target name="deploy" depends="deleteUnmigrateableFiles">
<antcall target="postToSlack"/>
<target name="postToSlack">
<exec executable="curl">
<arg line="-d 'token=${slack.token}&channel=${}&text=${slackMessage}&pretty=1'"/>
<target name="deleteUnmigrateableFiles" depends="copySource">
<echo level="info">Removing files that cannot be migrated:</echo>
<delete dir="${basedir}/localCopy/flows" />
<delete dir="${basedir}/localCopy/layouts" />
<delete dir="${basedir}/localCopy/permissionSets" />
<delete dir="${basedir}/localCopy/profiles" />
<delete dir="${basedir}/localCopy/quickActions" />
<delete dir="${basedir}/localCopy/settings" />
<delete dir="${basedir}/localCopy/workflows" />
<echo level="info">Cleaning up build.xml for references that cannot be migrated:</echo>
<echo level="info"> - unfiled$public</echo>
match="^ <members>unfiled\$public</members>$"
<target name="copySource" depends="deployInformation">
<echo level="info">Initializing localCopy folder</echo>
<delete dir="${basedir}/localCopy" />
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/localCopy" />
<echo level="info">Copying src to localCopy folder</echo>
<copy todir="${basedir}/localCopy" >
<fileset dir="${basedir}/src" includes="**"/>
<echo level="info">Deleting standard package.xml</echo>
<delete file="${basedir}/localCopy/package.xml" />
<echo level="info">Renaming ${sf.deployFile} to package.xml</echo>
<move file="${basedir}/localCopy/${sf.deployFile}" tofile="${basedir}/localCopy/package.xml"/>
<target name="deployInformation" depends="banner">
<echo level="info"> Information for this deployment:</echo>
<echo level="info"> - Target Host Name = ${sf.serverUrl}</echo>
<echo level="info"> - Login ID = ${sf.username}</echo>
<echo level="info"> - Deployment File = ${sf.deployFile}</echo>
<echo level="info"> - Test Only Mode = ${sf.checkOnly}</echo>
<echo level="info"> - Apex Test Level = ${sf.testLevel}</echo>
<target name="banner">
<echo level="info">╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗</echo>
<echo level="info">║ ____ _ ____ _ _ ║</echo>
<echo level="info">║ / ___| | ___ __ _ _ __ / ___|| | __ _| |_ ___ ║</echo>
<echo level="info">║ | | | |/ _ \/ _` | '_ \\___ \| |/ _` | __/ _ \ ║</echo>
<echo level="info">║ | |___| | __/ (_| | | | |___) | | (_| | || __/ ║</echo>
<echo level="info">║ \____|_|\___|\__,_|_| |_|____/|_|\__,_|\__\___| ║</echo>
<echo level="info">║ ║</echo>
<echo level="info">║ Salesforce Continuous Intergration Deployment ║</echo>
<echo level="info">║ created by CleanSlate Technology Group ║</echo>
<echo level="info">╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝</echo>
The Copy Source step is optional, but makes things a lot easier when running the Force Migration Tool locally. It does make a copy of the entire source directory so that the files can be manipulated to work while deploying to Salesforce. This should not be an issue, since the localCopy
folder is in the . gitignore
file and Pipeline deployments will be pushed via a Docker image, which will be discarded after use.
With everything in place, it is possible to execute the deployment by running the following command:
ant -buildfile build/build.xml deploy
Setting Up Pipelines
With the Force Migration Tool process working, the Pipeline process can automate the deployment. From the Settings | Pipelines | Settings screen within Bitbucket, make sure Enable Pipelines is set to "enabled."
The next step is to configure environment variables used by the pipeline processing. From the Settings | Pipelines | Environment variables screen within Bitbucket, I configured the following items:
My personal sandbox:
SFDC_JV_CHECK_ONLY - true/false to specify if code will be deployed (true = check only is performed and code is not deployed).
SFDC_JV_HOST_NAME - host address (
SFDC_JV_USER_ID - username to login to Salesforce.
SFDC_JV_PASSWORD_TOKEN - password + security token (configured as a Secured variable within Bitbucket).
SFDC_JV_TEST_LEVEL - NoTestRun/RunLocalTests/RunAllTestsInOrg.
The process was repeated for SFDC_QA (QA sandbox) and SFDC_PROD (Production) environment variables.
Finally, configure and deploy the bitbucket-pipelines.yml
file. A very simple example is displayed below:
# -----
image johnjvester/docker-salesforce
"Running Default Script against QA environment (Mock Deploy, No Tests Executed)" echo
ant -buildfile build/build.xml deploy -Dsf.deployFile=deployPackageCSCore.xml -Dsf.checkOnly=true -Dsf.testLevel=NoTestRun -Dsf.username=$SFDC_QA_USER_ID -Dsf.password=$SFDC_QA_PASSWORD_TOKEN -Dsf.serverUrl=$SFDC_QA_HOST_NAME$BITBUCKET_COMMIT$BITBUCKET_BRANCH
custom# Pipelines that are triggered manually
sandbox-jv# John Vester's Sandbox
"Running JV Sandbox" echo
ant -buildfile build/build.xml deploy -Dsf.deployFile=deployPackageCSCore.xml -Dsf.checkOnly=$SFDC_JV_CHECK_ONLY -Dsf.testLevel=$SFDC_JV_TEST_LEVEL -Dsf.username=$SFDC_JV_USER_ID -Dsf.password=$SFDC_JV_PASSWORD_TOKEN -Dsf.serverUrl=$SFDC_JV_HOST_NAME$BITBUCKET_COMMIT$BITBUCKET_BRANCH
qa# QA Full Copy Sandbox
"Running QA (showing banner only and posting to Slack)" echo
ant -buildfile build/build.xml banner
ant -buildfile build/build.xml postToSlack -Dsf.checkOnly=true -Dsf.testLevel=NoTestRun -Dsf.username=$SFDC_QA_USER_ID -Dsf.serverUrl=$SFDC_QA_HOST_NAME$BITBUCKET_COMMIT$BITBUCKET_BRANCH
prod# Production
"Running Production (showing banner only)" echo
ant -buildfile build/build.xml banner
This file leverages the johnjvester\docker-salesforce Docker image that I have uploaded on DockerHub (feel free to utilize) and completes the following tasks when commits are made to Bitbucket:
Use/download the johnjvester\docker-salesforce image.
Execute the default pipeline:
Echo text to the console.
Run the deploy use environment variables for the following parameters:
Server URL.
The Bitbucket commit number and branch will be included in the processing as well, to use in the Slack message.
The file also includes three custom pipelines, which can be run on demand. In my example, there is an update for my personal sandbox, our QA environment, and Production. These could be automatically updated, but we like to control when these sandboxes are updated.
Again, this is just a simple example Pipeline file.
Running the Pipeline
With Bitbucket Pipelines in place, a merge into the master branch yields the following flow:
Banner is displayed, with migration information:
Deployment information is displayed:
The Copy Source processing is executed, which also renames the deployPackageCSCore.xml to be package.xml:
Files that cannot be migrated are removed from localCopy folder:
Perform the deployment:
Post to Slack:
Build Successful:
Additionally, on the Bitbucket commit itself, a Run pipeline action exists:
Which allows the custom deployments to be executed on demand:
Using a simple Docker image that I uploaded to DockerHub and a functional Force Migration Tool implementation, implementing Bitbucket Pipelines becomes a task which can be implemented without much effort. As a result, it is possible to introduce CI/CD into your Salesforce environment, while keeping all the deployment information with the source code - where it truly belongs.
Have a really great day!
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