Calling Stored Procedures From Spring Data JPA
It is a common requirement to JPA connect to stored procedures or database functions. This article looks at how you can do this using Spring Data JPA.
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PROCEDURE in_only_test (inParam1 IN VARCHAR2);
PROCEDURE in_and_out_test (inParam1 IN VARCHAR2, outParam1 OUT VARCHAR2);
END test_pkg;
PROCEDURE in_only_test(inParam1 IN VARCHAR2) AS
END in_only_test;
PROCEDURE in_and_out_test(inParam1 IN VARCHAR2, outParam1 OUT VARCHAR2) AS
outParam1 := 'Woohoo Im an outparam, and this is my inparam ' || inParam1;
END in_and_out_test;
END test_pkg;
Here we have two different procedures:
in_only_test - takes an input parameter(inParam1), but doesn't return a value.
in_and_out_test - takes an input parameter(inParam1), and returns a value(outParam1).
We can then call the stored procedures using the @NamedStoredProcedureQueries annotation:
name = "MYTABLE") (
name = "in_only_test", (
procedureName = "test_pkg.in_only_test",
parameters = {
mode = ParameterMode.IN, name = "inParam1", type = String.class) (
name = "in_and_out_test", (
procedureName = "test_pkg.in_and_out_test",
parameters = {
mode = ParameterMode.IN, name = "inParam1", type = String.class), (
mode = ParameterMode.OUT, name = "outParam1", type = String.class) (
public class MyTable implements Serializable {
The key points are:
The Stored Procedure uses the annotation @NamedStoredProcedureQuery and is bound to a JPA table.
procedureName – This is the name of the stored procedure.
name – This is the name of the StoredProcedure in the JPA ecosystem.
Define the IN/OUT parameter using @StoredProcedureParameter.
We then create the Spring Data JPA repository:
public interface MyTableRepository extends CrudRepository<MyTable, Long> {
name = "in_only_test") (
void inOnlyTest( ("inParam1") String inParam1);
name = "in_and_out_test") (
String inAndOutTest( ("inParam1") String inParam1);
The key points are:
@Procedure – the name parameter must match the name on @NamedStoredProcedureQuery
@Param – Must match @StoredProcedureParameter name parameter
Return types must match - so in_only_test is void, and in_and_out_test returns String
We can then call them:
// This version shows how a param can go in an be returned from a stored procedure
String inParam = "Hi Im an inputParam";
String outParam = myTableRepository.inAndOutTest(inParam);
Assert.assertEquals(outParam, "Woohoo Im an outparam, and this is my inparam Hi Im an inputParam");
// This version shows how to call a Stored Procedure which doesnt return any parameter -
Other Tricks
The wide range of possiblities for stored procedures has resulted in a few occasions when the above approach hasnt worked. I've solved these problems by defining a custom repository to call the stored procedures as a native query.
This is done by defining a custom repository:
public interface MyTableRepositoryCustom {
void inOnlyTest(String inParam1);
We then make sure our main repository extends this interface:
public interface MyTableRepository extends CrudRepository<MyTable, Long>, MyTableRepositoryCustom {
We then create our custom repository implementation:
public class MyTableRepositoryImpl implements MyTableRepositoryCustom {
private EntityManager em;
public void inOnlyTest(String inParam1) {
this.em.createNativeQuery("BEGIN in_only_test(:inParam1); END;")
.setParameter("inParam1", inParam1)
This can then be called in the normal way:
MyTableRepository myTableRepository;
// And to call the method -
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