Guidance for Building a Control Plane for Envoy, Part 4: Build for Extensibility
This is part 4 of a series on Envoy. In today's post, we explore building a control plane for Envoy Proxy.
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Join For FreeThis is part 4 of a series that explores building a control plane for Envoy Proxy. Follow along @christianposta and @soloio_inc for the next part coming out in a week.
In this blog series, we'll take a look at the following areas:
- Adopting a mechanism to dynamically update Envoy’s routing, service discovery, and other configuration
- Identifying what components make up your control plane, including backing stores, service discovery APIs, security components, et. al.
- Establishing any domain-specific configuration objects and APIs that best fit your usecases and organization
- Thinking of how best to make your control plane pluggable where you need it (this entry)
- Options for deploying your various control-plane components
- Thinking through a testing harness for your control plane
In the previous entry, we explored building a domain-specific API for your control plane that best fits your organization and workflow preferences/constraints.
Building Your Control Plane Engine to Be Pluggable
Envoy is a very powerful piece of software and every day new use cases and new contributions are being proposed to the community. Although the core of Envoy is very stable, it's built on a pluggable filter architecture so folks can write new codecs for different L7 protocols or add new functionality. At the moment, Envoy filter's are written in C++ and there is an option to extend Envoy with Lua but there is also some discussion to support Web Assembly for extensibility as well. Also noted is the work the great folks at Cilium are doing around a Go-based extension mechanism for Envoy. Alongside the fast-moving Envoy community and the need to configure these new capabilities, there is also the need to include new domain-specific object models to support new platforms that want to take advantage of Envoy. In this section, we'll explore extending an Envoy control plane along both of those dimensions.
Extending Envoy is fairly straight forward by writing C++ filters. Envoy filters we've created on the Gloo project include:
- Squash debugger (
- Caching (closed source at the moment; should open-source in the near future)
- Request/Response Transformation (
- AWS Lambda (
- NATS streaming (,
- Google Cloud Functions (
- Azure function (
In the above graphic, we can see how a request flows through Envoy and passes through a number of filters with specialized tasks that apply to the request and responses. You can read more about the power of Envoy and the tradeoffs we took to build Gloo's control plane in a blog post written by CEO/founder Idit Levine and Chief Architect Yuval Kohavi.
Because Envoy is so versatile and new features are added all the time, it's worth spending some time to consider whether you want to build your control plane to be extensible to be able to use these new features. On the Gloo project we've chosen to do just that on the following levels:
- Build more opinionated domain-specific configuration objects on top of a core Gloo configuration object.
- Control plane plugins to augment the existing behavior of control plane.
- Create tools to expedite the previous two points.
Let's take a look at each of these levels and how they contribute to an extensible and flexible control plane.
Core API Objects, Built With Flexibility in Mind
In the previous section, we discussed focusing on the domain-specific configuration objects we would use to configure the control plane. In Gloo, we have the lowest level configuration objects called Proxy and Upstream. The Proxy
defines the lowest level configurations that we can make on the underlying proxy (Envoy in this case). With the Proxy
object, we define how requests get routed to Upstreams
Here's an example of the Proxy object (as a CRD in Kubernetes for this example):
kind Proxy
created_by gateway
name gateway-proxy
namespace gloo-system
selfLink /apis/
uid 771377f2-3125-11e9-8523-42010aa800e0
name gloo-system.default
exact /petstore/findPet
functionName findPetById
name default-petstore-8080
namespace gloo-system
exact /sample-route-1
name default-petstore-8080
namespace gloo-system
prefixRewrite /api/pets
name gateway
reported_by gloo
You can see the Proxy
object's specified listeners, their types, as well as routing information. If you look close you can see it follows Envoy's configuration to an extent but diverges to support additional capabilities. In the routes, you can see that requests are sent to "Upstreams." Gloo knows how to route to Upstreams and you can see these definitions in the above Proxy
object. The Proxy
object is what is converted to Envoy xDS API by Gloo's control plane. If we take a look at the components that make up Gloo, we see the following:
discovery-676bcc49f8-n55jt 1/1 Running 0 8m
gateway-d8598c78c-425hz 1/1 Running 0 8m
gateway-proxy-6b4b86b4fb-cm2cr 1/1 Running 0 8m
gloo-565659747c-x7lvf 1/1 Running 0 8m
The gateway-proxy
component is the Envoy proxy. The following components make up the control plane:
The component that's responsible for this Proxy
->Envoy xDS conversion is gloo
, which is an event-driven component responsible for the core xDS services and configuration of custom Envoy filters by transforming the Proxy
object into Envoy's LDS/RDS/CDS/EDS APIs.
Gloo knows how to route to Upstream
s and functions that exist on Upstreams
. Upstream is also a core configuration object for Gloo. The reason we needed this Upstream object is to encapsulate more fidelity about an upstream cluster's capabilities than what Envoy knows out of the box. Envoy knows about "clusters," but Gloo (on top of Envoy) knows about functions. This knowledge enables function-level routing which is a more powerful routing construct for composing new applications and APIs. Envoy knows about clusters in terms of "host:port" endpoints, but with Gloo, we can attach additional context to these clusters so they understand "functions" which can be REST method/path, gRPC operations, or cloud functions like Lambda. For example, here's a Gloo upstream named default-petstore-8080
discovered_by kubernetesplugin
service petstore
sevice petstore
name default-petstore-8080
namespace gloo-system
reportedBy gloo
state Accepted
app petstore
serviceName petstore
serviceNamespace default
url http //petstore.default.svc.cluster.local 8080/swagger.json
text'{"id": {{ default(id, "") }},"name": "{{ default(name, "")}}","tag":
"{{ default(tag, "")}}"'
text POST
text /api/pets
text application/json
text /api/pets/ default(id "")
text application/json
text GET
text /api/pets/ default(id "")
text GET
text /api/pets?tags= default(tags "") &limit= default(limit
Notice that we have more fidelity in terms of what functions are exposed by this upstream. In this case, the upstream happens to be a REST service exposing an Open API Spec/Swagger document. Gloo automatically discovered this information and enriched this Upstream object with that information that can then be used in the Proxy object.
If you refer back to the components in the Gloo control plane, you'll see a discovery
component that augments Envoy's discovery APIs by adding a "Upstream Discovery Service" (UDS), and a "Function Discovery Service" (FDS). The UDS uses a set of plugins (see next section) to automatically discover Upstream
s from their respective runtime catalog. The simplest example is when running in Kubernetes, we can automatically discover the Kubernetes Services. Gloo can also discover Upstreams
from Consul, AWS and others. The Function Discovery Service (FDS) evaluates each of the Upstreams
that have been discovered and tries to discover their type (REST, gRPC, GraphQL, AWS Lambda, etc). If the FDS can discover these additional properties about the upstream, it enriches the upstream metadata with these "functions."
The discovery
component in the Gloo control plane just uses its UDS and FDS services to discover and write Upstream
objects into Kuberentes CRDs. From there, a user can create routing rules from specific API paths on the Envoy proxy to a specific function on an Upstream
. The Envoy proxies do not interact with this control-plane component directly (recall, Envoy only consumes the xDS API exposed by the gloo
component). Instead, the discovery
component facilitates the creation of Upstream
s that can then be used by the Proxy
object. This is a good example of using supporting microservices (the discovery
service in this example) to contribute to the overall functionality of the control plane.
and Upstream
are the lower-level domain-specific configuration objects as mentioned in the previous section. What's more interesting is how we can layer a set of configuration objects on top of this to satisfy user-specific use cases with a more opinionated workflow.
Extending a Domain Specific Configuration Layer
In Gloo's control plane, there is also another component called the gateway
component. This component implements the higher-level domain-specific configuration that users will end up interacting with (either directly through YAML files or indirectly through the glooctl
CLI tool). The gateway
component knows about two domain specific objects:
- Gateway - specify the routes and API endpoints available at a specific listener port as well as what security accompanies each API.
- VirtualService - groups API routes into a set of "virtual APIs" that can route to backed functions (gRPC, http/1, http/2, lambda, etc); gives the developer control over how a route proceeds with different transformations in an attempt to decouple the front-end API from what exists in the backend (and any breaking changes a backend might introduce).
These objects allow a decoupling from the Proxy
object. When users create new Gateway
or VirtualService
objects using the more ergonomic or opinionated API, Gloo's gateway
component takes those objects (CRDs in Kubernetes, config entries in Consul) and updates the underlying Proxy
object. This is a common pattern for extending Gloo: prefer composability of control-plane components. This allows us to build more specialized controllers for more opinionated domain-specific objects to support different usage. For example, the team also built an open-source controller for Gloo called Sqoop which follows this same pattern and extends the Gloo API for declaring routing rules that build on a GraphQL Engine with GraphQL Schemas. In Sqoop, we introduce Schemas and ResolverMaps objects that ultimately contribute to the Proxy object which then gets translated to Envoy xDS.
Another example of this layering of domain-specific configuration built on the base of Gloo objects is our recent contribution to use Gloo proxy in Knative Serving as an alternative to Istio. Knative has a specific object for declaring cluster-ingress resources called the ClusterIngress object that looks like this:
kind ClusterIngress
labels helloworld-go default
name helloworld-go-txrqt
knative-serving-namespace default
knative-serving-revision helloworld-go-00001
perTryTimeout 10m0s
serviceName activator-service
serviceNamespace knative-serving
timeout 10m0s
visibility ExternalIP
To support this use case in Gloo, all we did was build a new controller that watches and converts ClusterIngress objects into Gloo's Proxy. Please see this blog for more information on using Gloo within Knative to simplify Knative Serving installation to use Gloo as the cluster ingress.
Control Plane Plugins to Augment the Existing Behavior of the Control Plane
In the previous section, we looked at extending the capabilities of the control plane by layering domain-specific configuration objects on top of core objects. Another point of extension is directly in the control-pane core objects itself. In Istio that would be VirtualService
and DestinationRule
, in Contour that would be IngressRoute
and in Gloo that would be the Proxy
and Upstream
objects. For example, Gloo's Proxy object contains extension points for Listeners, Virtualhosts, and Routes. This means there are well defined spots in the Proxy configuration that we can introduce new functionality to our configuration (i.e., if we wish to expose new Envoy functionality or if we write new filters for Envoy for which we'd like to expose configuration, etc). with minimal fuss. For example, we have written a handful of plugins that enrich the routing and transformation capabilities of Envoy. For example, to transform a request coming into Envoy and destined to a service named foo-service
, we can maninpulate the headers or body with Inja templates. See the function routing guide in Gloo's documentation for more.
prefix /
name foo-service
namespace default
text foo-bar-v2
text /v2/canary/feature
To see the full list of plugins available on the Gloo Proxy and Upstream objects, see the documentation here.
Once you've added new plugins to your control plane, you can extend your user-facing domain-specific configuration objects to take advantage of these new capabilities. You can augment your existing controllers to do this or add new ones (following the principle of microservices loosely coordinating with each other). We've written extensive examples to help you write controllers to augment your control-plane functionality or reach out on Slack for any more pointers on this.
Leverage Tools to Expedite the Previous Two Bullets
In the previous sections, we saw how to think about extensibility and flexibility of your control plane. We saw how using a multi-layer domain-specific configuration object allows for extensibility by adding new objects and controllers. At we've created an open-source project called solo-kit that expedites building new, declarative, opinionated API objects for your control plane by starting with protobuf objects and code-generating the correct type-safe clients for interacting with these objects on your platform. For example, on Kubernetes, solo-kit turns these protos into CustomResourceDefinitions and generates Golang Kubernetes clients for watching and interacting with these resources. You can also use Consul, Vault, and many others as the backend storage if you're not on Kubernetes.
Once you've created the resources and generated the type-safe clients, you will want to detect when users create new resources or make changes to existing ones. With solo-kit you just specify which resources you wish to watch, or a combination of resources called a "snapshot," and the client runs an event-loop to process any notifications. In your event loop you can update collaborating objects or core objects. In fact this is the way Gloo's layered domain-specific configuration objects work. See the Gloo declarative model docs for more information.
A control plane can be as simple or as complicated as you need. The Gloo team recommends focusing on a simple core to the control plane and then extend it through plugins and microservices controllers through composability. Gloo's architecture is built like this and enables the Gloo team to quickly add any new features to support any platforms, configurations, filters, and more as they come up. That's why, although Gloo is very Kubernetes-native, it is built to run on any platform on any cloud. The core control plane design allows this.
In the next part of this series, we'll take a look at the pros/cons of deploying control plane components for things like scalability, fault-tolerance, independence, and security. Stay tuned!
Published at DZone with permission of Christian Posta, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.