How to Check Log Files on a Server Without Logging Into the Server
This solution uses automation with Ansible to create an environment where developers can access server log files without needing to log in.
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Join For FreeMy sysadmin friends spend part of their time helping the developers in troubleshooting. Sometimes, when there’s a big problem, it increases a lot. When it happens, it’s not difficult to feel overwhelmed, by the pressure of solving the problem itself, and unfortunately, by the setbacks faced throughout the troubleshooting process.
Many companies have strict security policies that prevent developers from accessing servers through SSH. The problem arises when they need to check log files that exist on such servers, during an outage, for example. When a crisis happens, there’s no time to spend with bureaucracies, the log files must be accessible right away for troubleshooting.
One solution to that is to provide the log files to the developers or anyone in charge of troubleshooting with no need of logging in the servers. The security policies are followed and the required availability of the log files is met. It’s possible by installing and configuring the Apache HTTP Server in a way that the log files are accessible through a web browser.
The solution can be checked out on Github. It uses Ansible to automate the task of making the log files accessible, and Vagrant + VirtualBox to create the development and testing environment for such automation.
UPDATE: This Codeyourinfra solution has been transformed into the check_server_log_files Ansible role and migrated to its own repository.
The Development Environment
The development environment is very important to create. It must be created locally on your own computer. It’s needless to develop and test Ansible playbooks another way. You might ask why not use some server to do such task, but be aware, servers are usually shared, and someone may accidentally mess with your stuff.
Furthermore, coding is very dynamic. You need an environment in which to experiment and make mistakes (trial-and-error method). Some code, you will surely throw away until you find the solution. So imagine if you test your code against a real server and leave it in a state that's hard to rollback? With your own environment, you can easily recreate VMs and retest your code from scratch, over and over, at your will.
Vagrant is an awesome tool to build your development environment. Its default integration with VirtualBox simplifies a lot managing VMs. Through the command line, you can create, provision, connect to via SSH, and destroy VMs, to name just a few operations. The command vagrant up, for example, puts your environment up and running, based on the Vagrantfile, like the one below.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.define "jenkins" do |jenkins| = "minimal/trusty64"
jenkins.vm.hostname = "jenkins.local" "private_network", ip: ""
jenkins.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "playbook-jenkins.yml"
In order to simulate a server where an application runs and adds data into log files, only one VM was used. It’s important to have a VM as similar as possible to your real servers. For that reason, use VMs with the same OS and even with the same basic configuration. Packer is a great tool to create VM images that are alike your servers. In the solution scope, a reduced version of an Ubuntu VM was used (minimal/trusty64).
Notice that the VM is provisioned during its booting up. Vagrant has integration with several provisioners, including Ansible. In the VM is basically installed Oracle Java and Jenkins, in this order. Jenkins is an open source automation server, broadly used for delivering software, and with the adoption of Infrastructure as Code, can be used for delivering infrastructure as well. If your delivery process is done by Jenkins, for sure you will need to take a look at the tool log files once in a while.
hosts jenkins
name Install apt-transport-https (required for the apt_repository task)
name apt-transport-https
name Install Oracle Java 8 (required for Jenkins installation)
include_tasks oracle-java8-installation.yml
name Install Jenkins
include_tasks jenkins-installation.yml
During the playbook-jenkins.yml execution, the tasks related to the Oracle Java installation (oracle-java8-installation.yml) and the ones concerning the Jenkins installation (jenkins-installation.yml) are included dynamically through the include_tasks statement. It’s a good practice of code organizing, once keeps everything in its right place, and maintain the playbook files as small as possible. Moreover, it’s a great way of enabling code reusing.
The Solution Implementation
Right after the Jenkins server is turned on, you can open your web browser and type the URL You will see the Jenkins configuration initial page. It asks for the auto-generated administrator password, informed in the jenkins.log file. Please don’t get the password, accessing the VM through SSH. Remember, that’s what we want to prevent. So keep calm and implement the solution first.
Jenkins stores its log files in the /var/log/jenkins directory. Then, we must configure the Apache HTTP Server to expose such folder. This is done by using the apache-logs.conf file shown below. This is a template that can be used for any directory you want to make visible through the web browser.
If you want more details on how this configuration works, take a look at the Directory and the Alias directives documentation. For now, all we need to know is that the {{directory}} and the {{alias}} will be replaced respectively by the log files folder and the alias required to complement the URL address.
<Directory "{{directory}}">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Alias "{{alias}}" "{{directory}}"
The variables defined in the playbook-jenkins.logs.yml below are used in such replacement. Notice that the directory variable points to the cited Jenkins log files folder, and the alias value is /logs/jenkins. The other variable (conf) defines the configuration file resultant that will be placed in the Apache folders reserved for configuration files (/etc/apache2/conf*).
The Ansible playbook can be easily adapted to meet your needs. If some developer comes to you asking for help because he or she has to check inaccessible log files, just change the variables values and execute the playbook against the server where the files are.
Let’s finally implement the solution. Execute the command ansible-playbook playbook-jenkins-logs.yml -u vagrant -k -i hosts. The -u argument defines the SSH user, the -k argument prompts for password input (vagrant, too), and the -i argument points to the hosts file, where Ansible can find the Jenkins server IP address.
hosts jenkins
directory /var/log/jenkins
alias /logs/jenkins
conf jenkins-logs.conf
name Install Apache 2
name apache2
name Config Apache logs
src apache-logs.conf
dest /etc/apache2/conf-available/ conf
owner root
group root
name Enable new config
src ../conf-available/ conf
dest /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/ conf
owner root
group root
state link
name Restart Apache 2
name apache2
state restarted
During the execution, the Apache HTTP Server is installed, and the configuration file is placed with the right values in the /etc/apache2/conf-available. The file content can be verified through the Ansible ad-hoc command ansible jenkins -m shell -a “cat /etc/apache2/conf-available/jenkins-logs.conf” -u vagrant -k -i hosts. After that, the configuration is enabled by creating a symbolic link in /etc/apache2/conf-enabled folder, pointing right to the configuration file. Lastly, the Apache HTTP server is restarted.
Now open a new tab in your web browser and type the URL You will see all the content of the Jenkins server /var/log/jenkins folder, including the jenkins.log file! Notice that the URL has the /logs/jenkins configured alias. You can, after all, open the log file in order to get the auto-generated administrator password. Just copy it, go back to the Jenkins configuration initial page, paste the password and continue.
Despite the fact we must follow the company security policies, we must facilitate the troubleshooting process too. DevOps also means one problem is everyone’s problem, so let’s work together in order to solve all of them. If you enjoyed the solution, share it right now!
Before I forget, if you want my help in automating something, please give me more details, tell me your problem. It may be someone else's problem, too.
Published at DZone with permission of Gustavo Carmo. See the original article here.
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