Introducing Combinators – Part 1
In this article, we present a few basic functional constructs that every developer should be aware of, pertaining specifically to combinators.
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In this article, we present a few basic functional constructs that every developer should be aware of. We also introduce the concept of combinator, which is of key importance to write useful functional code, though we carefully avoid digging into the intricacies of combinatory logic.
Have you ever had the need to execute the same code in many places? Have you ever copy-pasted this same code over here and there, because you didn't have time to develop a more robust solution? Or maybe you are a more meticulous programmer and have never done that. Instead, you've created a method with that piece of code and have invoked it from wherever you needed to do it...
As this is a very common problem in software, there already exist many different solutions. Most modern frameworks make use (or abuse) of the proxy pattern and encourage the proliferation of annotations all over business code to intercept target methods and execute common, repetitive code, thus achieving a declarative programming style. If we don't want to annotate a lot of methods with the very same annotation, we can enter the world of AOP (aspect-oriented programming) and define aspects, pointcuts, etc., that will end up executing our piece of code either before, after or around the target methods, whether an exception has been thrown or not, etc. There are solutions that even modify our already-compiled bytecode to introduce the corresponding calls to our code... A typical use case is to define transactional methods that are intercepted and, before their execution, a database transaction is started, while after their execution, the transaction is either committed or rolled-back. This way, we don't have to explicitly start and commit/rollback transactions.
In the context of web applications, who hasn't used filters to execute code either before or after the core business code? We can even decide whether to go on with the filter chain or not, based on some precondition, i.e. if the user is logged in and has the proper permissions.
So, while all these tools and approaches help us solve our problem, they have their pros and cons. It is not my goal to analyze them in this article. Instead, I'd like to introduce and discuss a few basic, very useful functional programming techniques that can be used to solve the same kind of problems.
Combinators were first introduced on 7 December 1920, when Russian logician and mathematician Moses Schönfinkel delivered a talk to a group of colleagues at the University of Göttingen, Germany. There, he outlined the concept of combinatory logic, which is based on combinators. In late 1927, Haskell Curry rediscovered Schönfinkel's combinators while working at Princeton University, in the USA. Almost a century later, these old-timey, purely theoretical combinators have turned into what we nowadays call a combinator.
Although they've been traditionally put aside by mainstream imperative languages, they have evolved into very powerful functional programming constructs and are indeed quite handy for solving common software problems. The easiest way I know to enter the world of combinators is to first understand what higher-order functions are. As I've mentioned in my first newsletter, I find higher-order functions very useful. This is what I wrote about them there:
The definition of higher-order function I most like states that 'a higher-order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments and that might return a function as its result.'
Let's take this definition one step further and use it to introduce the notion of combinator. According to an excerpt from a Wikipedia article, "a combinator is a higher-order function that uses only function application and earlier defined combinators to define a result from its arguments."
Interestingly, the definition is recursive... I must admit that it took me a while to grasp all these concepts. Put into simple words, a combinator is a function that:
- Takes one or more functions as arguments.
- Might return a function as its result.
- Uses only function application and earlier defined combinators on its arguments to produce this result.
So, without further ado, let's dig into some practical, very useful combinators.
Disclaimer: the combinators introduced below are inspired and based on the excellent Method Combinators library written by Reginald 'raganwald' Braithwaite. Please check his page and work for further reference.
Consider the following functional interface:
public interface Before<T, R>
extends Function<Consumer<T>,
Function<Function<T, R>,
Function<T, R>>> {
static <T, R> Before<T, R> create() {
return before -> function -> argument -> {
return function.apply(argument);
static <T, R> Function<T, R> decorate(
Consumer<T> before,
Function<T, R> function) {
return Before.<T, R>create().apply(before).apply(function);
Here the Before
interface extends the Function
interface, so the first thing to highlight is that Before
is a function. Then, analyzing the (quite scary) generic type parameters of the function being extended, we see that Before
is actually a currified function that accepts a Consumer<T>
and a Function<T, R>
as its arguments and returns a Function<T, R>
as its result.
The create
factory method returns an instance of the Before
functional interface, which is a function that accepts a consumer named before
and a function named function
as its arguments and returns a function as its result. This result function accepts an argument named argument
, which is first passed to the before
consumer and then passed to the function
function. Finally, the value returned by function
is returned.
As only function application is being used within Before
's implementation, we can safely affirm that, according to our definition, Before
is a combinator (Consumer
can be considered as a special kind of function).
The decorate
helper method invokes the create
factory method and binds the before
and function
arguments to the returned Before
combinator. This process is also called partial function application, and, in this case, it produces a function with the same generic type parameters as the function
argument. In other words, we are decorating the function
function by means of the Before
Let's better see an example:
class BeforeExample {
void demo() {
System.out.println("Starting BEFORE combinator demo...");
Function<BigDecimal, String> addTax = this::addTax;
Consumer<BigDecimal> before = this::before;
Function<BigDecimal, String> addTaxDecorated =
Before.decorate(before, addTax);
BigDecimal argument = new BigDecimal("100");
String result = addTaxDecorated.apply(argument);
System.out.println("Done - Result is " + result);
private void before(BigDecimal argument) {
System.out.println("BEFORE: Argument is " + argument);
private String addTax(BigDecimal amount) {
System.out.println("Adding heavy taxes to poor citizen...");
return "$" + amount.multiply(new BigDecimal("1.22"));
This example shows how to use the Before
combinator. We first declare the addTax
function and the before
consumer, which point to the addTax
and before
methods, respectively. Then we use Before.decorate
to create a decorated function, which is the addTaxDecorated
function. After executing this decorated function with a value of 100
, we get the following output:
Starting BEFORE combinator demo...
BEFORE: Argument is 100
Adding heavy taxes to poor citizen...
Done - Result is $122.00
Here we see how the before
consumer was executed actually before the addTax
function. In fact, this combinator is very useful to execute some code before any given function: just decorate one or more functions with one consumer, and you'll get decorated functions that can be safely used as if they were the original functions.
The typical usage is to log the arguments, but you can do anything you want, with one caveat: if the consumer throws a RuntimeException
the original function won't be executed. Throwing an exception from the consumer is not forbidden, but it's discouraged, as this is not the intended use of this combinator. If you want to throw an exception based on some condition on the arguments, you'd better use the Provided
combinator, which I'll introduce in the next part of this series about combinators.
The After
combinator is very similar to the Before
combinator. The differences are:
- The given consumer is executed after the given function.
- The consumer receives both the argument and the result of the function.
Here's the code:
public interface After<T, R>
extends Function<Function<T, R>,
Function<BiConsumer<T, R>,
Function<T, R>>> {
static <T, R> After<T, R> create() {
return function -> after -> argument -> {
R result = function.apply(argument);
after.accept(argument, result);
return result;
static <T, R> Function<T, R> decorate(
Function<T, R> function,
BiConsumer<T, R> after) {
return After.<T, R>create().apply(function).apply(after);
Similar considerations as with the Before
combinator apply here:
- The
combinator is also a currified function, though in this case it accepts aFunction<T, R>
and aBiConsumer<T, R>
as its arguments. - It also returns a
Function<T, R>
as its result. - The
factory method also returns a fresh new instance of theAfter
combinator. - The
helper method also uses a partial function application to decorate the given function.
The key difference lies in the create
method: we first execute the function named function
(passing in the argument named argument
) and store the result of the execution in the result
variable. Then, we pass both argument
and result
to the after
biconsumer. Finally, we return the result
Here's an example:
class AfterExample {
void demo() {
System.out.println("Starting AFTER combinator demo...");
Function<BigDecimal, String> addTaxDecorated =
After.decorate(this::addTax, this::after);
String result = addTaxDecorated.apply(new BigDecimal("1000"));
System.out.println("Done - Result is " + result);
private String addTax(BigDecimal amount) {
System.out.println("Adding heavy taxes to poor citizen...");
return "$" + amount.multiply(new BigDecimal("1.22"));
private void after(BigDecimal argument, String result) {
System.out.println("AFTER: Argument is " + argument + ", Result is " + result);
I've inlined some variables to make the code shorter. Here's the output:
Starting AFTER combinator demo...
Adding heavy taxes to poor citizen...
AFTER: Argument was 1000, Result is $1220.00
Done - Result is $1220.00
This output shows that the this::after
biconsumer was executed actually after the this::addTax
function. This combinator comes in handy for auditing purposes, i.e. if you need to store the arguments and the result of some crucial method's execution, along with any contextual information, such as the date and time, logged user, etc.
The Around
combinator is somewhat different to the previous ones. It expects the function to be wrapped and the wrapper itself, which receives a callback to the original function. This callback, when executed, triggers the execution of the actual function. Here's the code:
public interface Around<T, R>
extends Function<Function<T, R>,
Function<BiConsumer<Around.Executable<R>, T>,
Function<T, R>>> {
interface Executable<R> {
R execute();
static <T, R> Around<T, R> create() {
return function -> around -> argument -> {
"unchecked") (
R[] result = (R[]) new Object[1];
Executable<R> callback = () -> result[0] = function.apply(argument);
around.accept(callback, argument);
return result[0];
static <T, R> Function<T, R> decorate(
Function<T, R> function,
BiConsumer<Executable<R>, T> around) {
return Around.<T, R>create().apply(function).apply(around);
Some important considerations:
- We've defined the
functional interface, which will be used as the callback to the actual function we are decorating (we could have used aSupplier
instead, whose single abstract methodget
is equivalent toAround.Executable
method, but it didn't feel right to use it as a callback, mainly because it's supposed to be used as a factory). - The
combinator is a currified function that accepts aFunction<T, R>
> and aBiConsumer<Around.Executable<R>, T>
as its arguments and returns aFunction<T, R>
as its result. - The
factory method returns a fresh new instance of theAround
combinator. - The
function is executed within a callback of typeAround.Executable<R>
, and this callback is passed as an argument to thearound
biconsumer. - The result of the execution of the
function is stored in an array of one element, because local variables can't be modified within a lambda expression (the elements of an array can be modified, though, which makes the use of this hack a common practice, even in JDK's code, e.g. see theCollectors.boxSupplier
private method and its usages). - The
biconsumer also accepts the argument of the original function as its second argument. - There's no way to modify either the argument or the result of the original function from within the
decorator. - If, when implementing the
decorator, the callback of typeAround.Executable<R>
is never executed, the result of the decorated function will benull
- The
helper method uses partial function application to decorate the given function.
Let's see an example now. Pay attention to the around
method, which is our decorator:
class AroundExample {
void demo() {
System.out.println("Starting AROUND combinator demo...");
Function<BigDecimal, String> addTaxDecorated =
Around.decorate(this::addTax, this::around);
String result = addTaxDecorated.apply(new BigDecimal("10000"));
System.out.println("Done - Result is " + result);
private String addTax(BigDecimal amount) {
System.out.println("Adding heavy taxes to poor citizen...");
return "$" + amount.multiply(new BigDecimal("1.22"));
private void around(Around.Executable<String> function, BigDecimal argument) {
System.out.println("BEFORE: Amount is " + argument);
String result = function.execute(); // function executed here!
System.out.println("AFTER: Result is " + result);
I've inlined some variables in this example as well. Here's the output:
Starting AROUND combinator demo...
BEFORE: Argument is 10000
Adding heavy taxes to poor citizen...
AFTER: Result is $12200.00
Done - Result is $12200.00
This output shows that the this::addTax
function was executed in the middle of the this::around
biconsumer, exactly when the function.execute()
method was invoked. This is a very useful combinator. You can use it to decorate any function with the code you want, both before and after the function's execution. For example, you could surround the function's execution with a try/catch
block and handle any thrown exception as you wish, or you could measure how long it takes to execute the function, or you could even wrap the function's execution within a database transaction, taking care of commit/rollback behavior, etc.
There are other useful combinators I'd like to write about, but I think this article has become long enough by now. In the next part, I will not only introduce them, but also show how combinators can be used together to create complex control flows, while keeping the code clean and readable.
For your convenience, I've created a GitHub repo with all the code shown here. If you want to discuss something or point out some bug you've found, please contact me.
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Published at DZone with permission of Federico Peralta Schaffner, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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