Kotlin Microservices With Ktor
With Kotlin and microservices being all the rage, it's only natural there should be a Kotlin-based framework to build microservices.
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Join For FreeKtor is a framework for building asynchronous applications on the server and client side. It is fully written in Kotlin. The main goal of Ktor is to provide an end-to-end multiplatform application framework for connected applications. It allows us to easily build web applications and HTTP services, so we can use it for building microservices-based architecture. Let's discuss the main features of the Ktor framework with an example of a simple system consisting of two microservices.
1. Setting Up an Environment
We can use Gradle or Maven to set up our build environment. The first goal is to add some dedicated Maven repositories because Ktor dependencies are not available in the central repo.
The current version of the Ktor framework is 0.9.5.
Before adding any dependencies, we should configure kotlin-maven-plugin
and the compiler to avoid warnings when using Kotlin coroutines. They are still an experimental feature in Kotlin.
2. Sample Applications
We will create two microservices built on top of the Ktor framework: account-service
and customer-service
. The application customer-service
calls an endpoint exposed by account-service
to search all accounts of a given customer. Both microservices expose some other endpoints for adding or finding objects. There is also a third element in our architecture: a discovery server. We will use HashiCorp's Consul for that. Every instance of account-service
will register itself in the discovery server, while customer-service
will fetch the list of register instances to obtain their addresses and ports. In summary, that is a typical example of communication between microservices presented in some of my previous articles. The sample system architecture is visualized in the following diagram.

3. The Basics
First, we will add some dependencies required to run Ktor on the server side. Our application will be launched on the Netty server, and will use the Jackson library for JSON serialization.
After that, we can create the main method that initializes embedded server based on Netty. Because we would like to set the server to listen to the port dynamically during application startup, we use a method that takes command line arguments as a parameter. Thanks to that, we will use the parameter -port=TARGET_PORT
when starting every single instance of the application.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val server = embeddedServer(Netty, commandLineEnvironment(args))
server.start(wait = true)
It is possible to implement different configuration strategies with Ktor, but the recommended way is through a configuration file called the HOCON file. Here's the application.conf
file for customer-service
ktor {
deployment {
port: 8095
application {
modules = [ pl.piomin.services.CustomerApplicationModuleKt.main ]
Each application takes a list of required Ktor modules as a parameter. In fact, modules are the vital part of your application. These are user-defined functions receiving the application class that is in charge of configuring the server pipeline, install features, registering routes, handling requests, etc. For the configuration above, the method main
defines our module; it is available inside the file CustomerApplicationModule.kt
located inside the package pl.piomin.services
Inside that method, you can find the declarations of features provided by the Ktor framework and used by the application. This is the most important part of our code because it contains almost all the logic implemented by the application. The most commonly used feature is Routing
. It defines all the HTTP API endpoints exposed by our application. In the following fragment of code, I have defined four endpoints: a single POST method for adding a new account and three GET endpoints providing different find methods.
package pl.piomin.services
fun Application.main() {
val repository = AccountRepository()
routing {
get("/accounts") {
call.respond(message = repository.accounts)
get("/accounts/{id}") {
val id: String? = call.parameters["id"]
if (id != null)
call.respond(message = repository.accounts.filter { it.id == id.toInt() })
get("/accounts/customer/{customerId}") {
val customerId: String? = call.parameters["customerId"]
if (customerId != null)
call.respond(message = repository.accounts.filter { it.customerId == customerId.toInt() })
post("/accounts") {
var account: Account = call.receive()
account.id = repository.accounts.size + 1
call.respond(message = account)
4. Using Built-in Features
A Ktor application typically consists of a series of features. You can think of a feature as a functionality that is injected into the request and response pipeline. Usually, an application would have a series of features such as DefaultHeaders
which add headers to every outgoing response, or Routing
which allows us to define routes to handle requests, etc. We can create our own custom features, but there is also a set of built-in features implemented as Ktor modules. We can install any of these built-in features by passing the class name inside the install
statement. Here's the list of features I used in the sample applications:
- ContentNegotation - it provides automatic content conversion according to Content-Type and Accept headers. I have used the Jackson library for converting between objects and JSON content.
- Metrics - it provides an implementation for generating metrics with useful information about the server and the requests. We can use different exporters by selecting from modules provided by the Dropwizard Metrics library. I decided to use
that prints metric values to the log destination. But you could also use, for exampleInfluxReporter
for sending metrics to InfluxDB. - CallLogging - it is used for logging the incoming client requests. It leverages the
that uses SLF4J, so you can easily configure the output. - CallId - this feature allows us to identify a request/call by generating a request id and can work along with the CallLogging feature. The CallLogging feature adds generated value to MDC by calling the method
with the MDC field name as a parameter.
Here's the fragment of code responsible for defining Ktor features used by the application:
install(ContentNegotiation) {
jackson {}
install(Metrics) {
Slf4jReporter.forRegistry(registry).outputTo(log).build().start(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
install(CallLogging) {
level = Level.TRACE
install(CallId) {
To be able to work with the Metrics feature, we first need to include the following dependency in the pom.xml
5. Configure Logging
The logging configuration for Ktor is based on SLF4J. You just need to include dependency of logging provider to pom.xml
. It can be Logback.
Then you need to create a logback.xml
configuration file and place it in src/main/resources
directory. The following configuration forces SLF4J to print logs only to console. It includes the MDC field X-Request-ID
generated using the CallId feature.
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%d{YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] [%X{X-Request-ID}] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
<root level="trace">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
<logger name="org.eclipse.jetty" level="INFO"/>
<logger name="io.netty" level="INFO"/>
Now, you are able to use logger in your application just by calling the io.ktor.application.log
import io.ktor.application.log
// ...
post("/accounts") {
var account: Account = call.receive()
account.id = repository.accounts.size + 1
call.respond(message = account)
6. Running Consul Server
The implementation of our applications is almost finished. We just need to add communication between the two sample microservices. To achieve it, we first need to run the discovery server. Running Consul on the local machine is pretty easy using a Docker container. Here's the command that runs Consul in standalone mode and exposes the API on port 8500:
$ docker run -d --name=consul -e CONSUL_BIND_INTERFACE=eth0 -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:8600 consul
Consul provides a web interface, which is available under the address
7. Custom Ktor Feature for Service Discovery With Consul
The Ktor framework does not provide any components that implement typical microservice patterns like service discovery or distributed configuration. This library is in the early stage of development (the current version is still below 1.0), so such features will probably be implemented in the future. However, with Ktor, we may easily implement a custom feature that is able to communicate with Consul. There are two types of features available for applications that use Ktor: server-side and client-side features. In that case, we will implement a feature on the client side. It is responsible for intercepting an event of sending a message with an HTTP client, including communication with Consul to the pipeline.
Before starting any implementation we need to include a set of Ktor client libraries and a library providing methods for calling the Consul API:
Let's take a look on the implementation of ConsulFeature
. It uses the Consul
client provided by consul-client
. The default Consul address is http://localhost:8500, but it can be overridden on the calling side. I would not like to get into the implementation details of Ktor's client feature. The most important thing is the code in the install
method. It is executed during the Render
phase, which is fired before the Send
phase. Our custom feature replaces an address provided as a hostname in the client's URL with the address and port taken from Consul.
class ConsulFeature(var consulUrl: String) {
class Config {
var consulUrl: String = "http://localhost:8500"
fun build(): ConsulFeature = ConsulFeature(consulUrl)
companion object Feature : HttpClientFeature<Config, ConsulFeature> {
var currentNodeIndex: Int = 0
override val key = AttributeKey<ConsulFeature>("ConsulFeature")
override fun prepare(block: Config.() -> Unit): ConsulFeature = Config().apply(block).build()
override fun install(feature: ConsulFeature, scope: HttpClient) {
scope.requestPipeline.intercept(HttpRequestPipeline.Render) {
var consulClient = Consul.builder().withUrl(feature.consulUrl).build()
val nodes = consulClient.healthClient().getHealthyServiceInstances(context.url.host).response
val selectedNode = nodes[currentNodeIndex]
context.url.host = selectedNode.service.address
context.url.port = selectedNode.service.port
currentNodeIndex = (currentNodeIndex + 1) % nodes.size
println("Calling ${selectedNode.service.id}: ${context.url.buildString()}")
How does it work? Everything should be clear after looking at that fragment of code containing the HTTP client declaration and using that client in the customer-service
endpoint implementation. Instead of setting the IP address in the client's URL, I used the name of the calling service — in that case,account-service
. This name is then replaced by ConsulFeature
with an address and port taken from the Consul server. If there is more than one instance of account-service
registered on the Consul server, the feature performs load balancing using a typical Round Robin method.
val client = HttpClient(Apache) {
install(ConsulFeature) {
consulUrl = ""
// ...
routing {
get("/customers/{id}") {
val id: String ? = call.parameters["id"]
if (id != null) {
val accounts = client.get & ltAccounts & gt("http://account-service/accounts/customer/$id")
val customerRet = customer.copy(id = customer.id, name = customer.name)
call.respond(message = customerRet)
The last thing: the application needs to register itself in Consul after startup. Here's the main function of account-service
. It uses the register
method of the Consul
client. A unique id is automatically generated using the application listen port number.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val server = embeddedServer(Netty, commandLineEnvironment(args))
val consulClient = Consul.builder().withUrl("").build()
val service = ImmutableRegistration.builder()
server.start(wait = true)
8. How It Works
Let's run two instances of account-service
and a single instance of customer-service
. When running two instances of account-service
, we need to override the default port number by declaring the application running parameter -port=PORT_NUMBER

Every instance of the microservice should be registered in Consul after startup.

We are running instances of account-service
. Here are the details:

Now let's add some test data by calling the POST endpoints exposed by our microservices. As you can see, I added new accounts only on the first instance of account-service
. Because all the microservices stores data in-memory, those objects will be stored only by the instance running on port 8090.
$ curl -d '{"name":"John Smith"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8095/customers
$ curl -d '{"number":"1234567890", "balance":5000, "customerId":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8090/accounts
$ curl -d '{"number":"1234567891", "balance":10000, "customerId":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8090/accounts
If you call the endpoint http://localhost:8095/customers/1, it tries to connect with running instances of account-service
. Once, it returns the response {"id":1,"name":"John Smith","accounts":[{"id":1,"balance":5000,"number":"1234567890","customerId":1},{"id":2,"balance":10000,"number":"1234567891","customerId":1}]}
, while the second time, {"id":1,"name":"John Smith","accounts":[]}
. That is the expected result, because ConsulFeature
load balances between two instances of account-service
, when only the first instance stores data. Here's a fragment of the application logs:

In this article, I presented how to use the Ktor framework for building microservice architecture with Consul server. We have used basic Ktor features like mechanisms for routing, logging, and metrics, and some more advanced solutions for building our own feature that interacts with Consul during inter-service communication. Ktor seems to be a very interesting framework. I will definitely follow a progress in development of this framework. The source code with the sample application is available in this GitHub repository.
Published at DZone with permission of Piotr Mińkowski, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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