Mule ESB 3.9: Validate Files in Local Directory Using Groovy Component (Google Guava)
This article will explain how to validate files on the source local directory using Groovy Component and Google Guava.
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Join For FreeThis article will explain how to validate files on the source local directory using Groovy Component and Google Guava. This is applicable if you have a requirement that your Mule ESB Interface should only run if required files are there or exist on the source local directory. For instance, Our Mule ESB Interface needs 2 files to process. For example, We have PERSON_DATA_2018.txt and SALARY_DATA_2018.txt. If both files are existing on the source local directory, then the interface will do further processing otherwise stop the process and log a message indicating required file does not exist.
file-directory-validationFlow — Main execution flow that runs every 5 seconds. It simply validates the source path and if the 2 required files exist, it will read those files and log their content.
sf-read-specific-file — A sub-flow that is used to read a specific file on the source path by defining a #[flowVars.targetFilename]
<mule xmlns:dw="" xmlns:file=""
xmlns:scripting="" xmlns="" xmlns:doc=""
<file:connector name="FILE_INBOUND_CONNECTOR_CONFIG" autoDelete="false" streaming="true" validateConnections="true" doc:name="File" fileAge="30000"/>
<flow name="file-directory-validationFlow">
<poll doc:name="Poll">
<fixed-frequency-scheduler frequency="5000"/>
<logger message="#[message.rootId] - Start Of Process" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<message-properties-transformer scope="invocation" doc:name="Message Properties">
<add-message-property key="targetPath" value="/appdata/temp/input/"/>
<add-message-property key="personFilename" value="PERSON_DATA_"/>
<add-message-property key="salaryFilename" value="SALARY_DATA_"/>
<scripting:transformer doc:name="Groovy File Validation">
<scripting:script engine="Groovy"><![CDATA[
String path = flowVars.targetPath;
def isPersonFileExist = false;
def isSalaryFileExist = false;
for( {
if (file.isFile()) {"File existing in "+path+": "+file.getName());
if (file.getName().contains(flowVars.personFilename)) {
isPersonFileExist = true;
if (file.getName().contains(flowVars.salaryFilename)){
isSalaryFileExist = true;
if (!isPersonFileExist) {
throw new"PERSON DATA File does not exist.");
if (!isSalaryFileExist) {
throw new"SALARY DATA File does not exist.");
<scatter-gather doc:name="Scatter-Gather">
<set-variable variableName="targetFilename" value="#[flowVars.personFilename]" doc:name="Variable Set Person Filename"/>
<flow-ref name="sf-read-specific-file" doc:name="sf-read-specific-file"/>
<set-variable variableName="targetFilename" value="#[flowVars.salaryFilename]" doc:name="Variable Salary Filename"/>
<flow-ref name="sf-read-specific-file" doc:name="sf-read-specific-file"/>
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message To JSON">
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%output application/json
<logger message="#['\nRESULT: \n'+payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<catch-exception-strategy doc:name="Catch Exception Strategy" enableNotifications="false" logException="false">
<logger message="#[exception.message]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
<sub-flow name="sf-read-specific-file">
<scripting:transformer doc:name="Groovy Read Specific File">
<scripting:script engine="Groovy"><![CDATA[def filenameWildcard = flowVars.targetFilename + "*"
def endpointBuilder = muleContext.endpointFactory.getEndpointBuilder('file://'+flowVars.targetPath+'?connector=FILE_INBOUND_CONNECTOR_CONFIG')
endpointBuilder.addMessageProcessor(new org.mule.routing.MessageFilter(new org.mule.transport.file.filters.FilenameWildcardFilter(filenameWildcard)))
def inboundEndpoint = endpointBuilder.buildInboundEndpoint()
<set-variable variableName="originalFilename" value="#[message.inboundProperties.originalFilename]" doc:name="Variable Set originalFilename"/>
<object-to-byte-array-transformer doc:name="Object to Byte Array"/>
<byte-array-to-string-transformer doc:name="Byte Array to String"/>
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message">
<dw:input-payload mimeType="application/java"/>
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%output application/java
filename: flowVars.originalFilename,
content: payload
POLL: Triggered the file-directory-validationFlow every 5 seconds
<poll doc:name="Poll">
<fixed-frequency-scheduler frequency="5000"/>
<logger message="#[message.rootId] - Start Of Process" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
MESSAGE PROPERTIES: Define the needed variables such as the SOURCE PATH and FILENAME. The value can be externalized using Property Placeholder.
<message-properties-transformer scope="invocation" doc:name="Message Properties">
<add-message-property key="targetPath" value="/appdata/temp/input/"/>
<add-message-property key="personFilename" value="PERSON_DATA_"/>
<add-message-property key="salaryFilename" value="SALARY_DATA_"/>
GROOVY SCRIPT (Groovy File Validation): The code inside this component is actually using Google Guava Library > to take care of reading the files from the source path. It will iterate each file objects and check their file names if it contains a string value PERSON_DATA_ or SALARY_DATA_ it will not throw Business Exception and continue the whole process.
<scripting:transformer doc:name="Groovy File Validation">
<scripting:script engine="Groovy"><![CDATA[
String path = flowVars.targetPath;
def isPersonFileExist = false;
def isSalaryFileExist = false;
for( {
if (file.isFile()) {"File existing in "+path+": "+file.getName());
if (file.getName().contains(flowVars.personFilename)) {
isPersonFileExist = true;
if (file.getName().contains(flowVars.salaryFilename)){
isSalaryFileExist = true;
if (!isPersonFileExist) {
throw new"PERSON DATA File does not exist.");
if (!isSalaryFileExist) {
throw new"SALARY DATA File does not exist.");
SCATTER-GATHER: This will read the both PERSON_DATA and SALARY_DATA file in parallel. It using the sub-flow sf-read-specific-file that reads a specific file from the source path. The payload after the scatter-gather will be an Object Array Data Type having 2 elements 1 from the first processor-chain and the other 1 from the second processor-chain.
<scatter-gather doc:name="Scatter-Gather">
<set-variable variableName="targetFilename" value="#[flowVars.personFilename]" doc:name="Variable Set Person Filename"/>
<flow-ref name="sf-read-specific-file" doc:name="sf-read-specific-file"/>
<set-variable variableName="targetFilename" value="#[flowVars.salaryFilename]" doc:name="Variable Salary Filename"/>
<flow-ref name="sf-read-specific-file" doc:name="sf-read-specific-file"/>
SUB-FLOW (sf-read-specific-file): This contains a Groovy Script that reads a file from the source path. It will convert the content from stream to a string presentation and use Dataweave to format the returned payload as a Map Object that contains FILENAME and CONTENT.
<sub-flow name="sf-read-specific-file">
<scripting:transformer doc:name="Groovy Read Specific File">
<scripting:script engine="Groovy"><![CDATA[
def filenameWildcard = flowVars.targetFilename + "*"
def endpointBuilder = muleContext.endpointFactory.getEndpointBuilder('file://'+flowVars.targetPath+'?connector=FILE_INBOUND_CONNECTOR_CONFIG')
endpointBuilder.addMessageProcessor(new org.mule.routing.MessageFilter(new org.mule.transport.file.filters.FilenameWildcardFilter(filenameWildcard)))
def inboundEndpoint = endpointBuilder.buildInboundEndpoint()
<set-variable variableName="originalFilename" value="#[message.inboundProperties.originalFilename]" doc:name="Variable Set originalFilename"/>
<object-to-byte-array-transformer doc:name="Object to Byte Array"/>
<byte-array-to-string-transformer doc:name="Byte Array to String"/>
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message">
<dw:input-payload mimeType="application/java"/>
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%output application/java
filename: flowVars.originalFilename,
content: payload
TRANSFORM-MESSAGE (Transform Message To JSON): This will convert the payload after scatter-gather to a JSON Data Format.
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message To JSON">
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%output application/json
File content:
Only PERSON_DATA file exists in /appdata/temp/input/ resulted to a log message SALARY DATA File does not exists then the whole process stops.
Only SALARY_DATA file exists in /appdata/temp/input/ resulted to a log message PERSON DATA File does not exists then the whole process stops.
Both PERSON_DATA and SALARY_DATA files exist in /appdata/temp/input/ resulted in a complete process and a log of a JSON data containing the name of the files and their content.
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