A Puppet Automation + MySQL Tutorial: Wordpress Install in 7 Short Steps
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If you are familiar with configuration management (aka CM) and automation, you probably know a thing or two about Puppet, and the amazing and rich collection of modules it offers. Puppet Forge contains a wealth of third party modules that enable us to do some pretty nifty stuff with almost no effort. Puppet helps deal with the messy parts of CM, like installing binaries and running installation scripts that are tedious to do manually.
Tools such as Puppet were originally created for IT operations people, that are for the most part infrastructure-centric, and are best suited for setup and maintenance of hosts in a physical data center. Dealing with applications and certainly managing applications on an elastic virtualized or even cloudified environment, brings a set of new challenges despite the agility and other benefits it provides.
Now imagine we can have this goodness coupled with an intelligent orchestration framework for an entire deployment?
In this blog post I'd like to demonstrate how a cloud application orchestrator can complement already existing automation processes powered by configuration management tools, in this case we will demonstrate with Puppet.
I will use the nodecellar application and the popular WordPress content management framework as examples.
This will hopefully provide a good introduction to Cloudify blueprints.
So we've seen how Cloudify 3 allows us to easily orchestrate the "nodecellar" application
Read about it Cloudify blueprints here.
With the "nodecellar" example, Cloudify deploys a complex application using workflows that map deployment lifecycle events to bash scripts using Cloudify's bash runner plugin.
Cloudify's Puppet integration now makes this pretty easy.
Cloudify 3.0 - Taking Puppet to the Next Level of Orchestration.
Check it out. Go
The synergy between Cloudify and Puppet not only allows you to enjoy the benefits of your Puppet environment, but it also amplifies its usability by introducing unique advantages that will answer the following common challenges involved with configuration management tools:
Agent Installation: Provision your service VMs, install a Puppet agent (if you like) and wires them up with the Puppet Master. Or, if you choose to run standalone, you can install the agent with the appropriate manifests needed for that service, as well.
Order of Dependencies: Define the dependencies between application stacks, services and infrastructure resources. Which will then be launched based on that order.
Remote Execution and Updates: Other than the basic install/uninstall, Cloudify enables customized application workflows that allow you to execute tools like remote shell scripts on a group of instances that belong to a particular service, or to a specific instance in a group. This feature is useful to run maintenance operations, such as snapshots in the case of a database, or code pushes in a continuous deployment model. In addition, you can run
puppet apply
whenever you feel it's right for your service. -
Post Deployment: Once your application is up, Cloudify will be able to glue your monitoring tool of choice, or you can choose to use the built-in one. A robust policy engine, enables auto-healing and even auto-scaling according to your service's required SLA.
I'm now going to take a deep dive on my experience with a WordPress example that I feel is a very good representation of how Puppet and Cloudify work in sync.
Let's say we want to deploy the popular WordPress application stack on two VMs .
Something as follows:
The flow is quite simple:
|-- hunner-wordpress (v0.6.0)
|-- puppetlabs-apache (v1.0.1) - with php mods enabled
|-- puppetlabs-mysql (v2.1.0)
Your site.pp file should resemble something like this:
node /^apache_web.*/ { include apache class { 'wordpress': create_db => false, create_db_user => false, } } node /^mysql.*/ { class { '::mysql::server': root_password => 'password', override_options => { 'mysqld' => { 'bind_address' => '' } } } include mysql::client include wordpress }
As we can see, we have an Apache PHP application that will likely require a database connection string (IP, port, user and password).
This is where Cloudify facilitates the "gluing" of all the pieces together, by allowing us to inject dynamic/static custom facts to the dependent node (Apache server).
Cloudify supports both standalone agents and PuppetMaster environments.
Step 2: Tweaking the Original WordPress Module.
Some minor adaptations to the wordpress init class of the WordPress module will allow us to embed these facts during Puppet agent invocation.
Below is a code snippet (With defaults truncated):
class wordpress ( $db_host_ip = $cloudify_related_host_ip, $db_user, = $cloudify_properties_db_user, $db_password = $cloudify_properties_db_pw, . . )
And some tweaking to the templates/wp-config.php.erb:
/** MySQL hostname */ define('DB_HOST', '<%= @db_host_ip %>');
Let's add some tags for finer control of manifest execution:
The MySQL node will not require the application part to run on it, so I've excluded it using a Puppet "tag" (read more about Puppet tags).
Cloudify, of course, supports this and will provide the appropriate tags during agent invocation.
-> class { 'wordpress::app': tag => ['postconfigure'], install_dir => $install_dir, install_url => $install_url, version => $version, db_name => $db_name, . .}
Step 3: Creating the Blueprint
In a similar way to the "nodecellar" blueprint, first lets create a folder with the name of "wp_puppet" and create a blueprint.yaml file within it. This file will then serve as the blueprint file.
Now let's declare the name of this blueprint.
blueprint: name: wp_puppet nodes:
Now we can start creating the topology.
Step 4: Creating VM Nodes
Since, in this case I use the OpenStack provider to create the nodes, let's import the "OpenStack types" plugin.
imports: - http://www.getcloudify.org/spec/openstack-plugin/1.0/plugin.yaml
Since the VMs are the same, I declared a generic template for a VM host:
vm_host: derived_from: cloudify.openstack.server properties: - install_agent: true - worker_config: user: ubuntu port: 22 # example for ssh key file (see `key_name` below) # this file matches the agent key configured during the bootstrap key: ~/.ssh/agent.key # Uncomment and update `management_network_name` when working a n neutron enabled openstack - management_network_name: cfy-mng-network - server: image: 8c096c29-a666-4b82-99c4-c77dc70cfb40 flavor: 102 key_name: cfy-agnt-kp security_groups: ['cfy-agent-default', 'wp_security_group'] # This is how we inject the puppet server's ip userdata: | #!/bin/bash -ex grep -q puppet /etc/hosts || echo "x.x.x.x puppet" | sudo -A tee -a /etc/hosts
Create the MySQL and Apache VMs:
- name: mysql_db_vm type: vm_host instances: deploy: 1 - name: apache_web_vm type: vm_host instances: deploy: 1
Step 5: Declaring Apache and MySQL Servers
Since we are using the Puppet plugin to create those servers, first we have to import it:
plugins: puppet_plugin: derived_from: cloudify.plugins.agent_plugin properties: url: https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-puppet-plugin/archive/nightly.zip
The plugin defines server types as follows:
middleware_server, app_server, db_server, web_server, message_bus_server, app_module.
They are virtually the same, but serve the purpose of enabling better readability for the user and GUI visualization
A Puppet server type is derived_from: cloudify.types.server type, but includes some puppet-specific properties and lifecycle events.
For documentation see: Puppet Types
So we now will go ahead and declare the server types:
cloudify.types.puppet.web_server: derived_from: cloudify.types.web_server properties: # All Puppet related configuration goes inside # the "puppet_config" property. - puppet_config interfaces: cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle: # Specifically "start" operation. Otherwise tags must be # provided. - start: puppet_plugin.operations.operation cloudify.types.puppet.app_module: derived_from: cloudify.types.app_module properties: - puppet_config interfaces: cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle: - configure: puppet_plugin.operations.operation cloudify.types.puppet.db_server: derived_from: cloudify.types.db_server properties: - puppet_config interfaces: cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle: - start: puppet_plugin.operations.operation
Step 6: Instantiating the Apache and MySQL nodes:
Here we provide the Puppet configuration and tags and define the relationships between the nodes. Cloudify's agent will use those relationships in order to decide the appropriate facts to inject.
- name: apache_web_server type: cloudify.types.puppet.web_server properties: port: 8080 puppet_config: server: puppet environment: wordpress_env relationships: - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in target: apache_web_vm - name: wordpress_app type: cloudify.types.puppet.app_module properties: db_user: wordpress db_pass: passwd puppet_config: server: puppet tags: ['postconfigure'] environment: wordpress_env relationships: - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in target: apache_web_server - type: wp_connected_to_mysql target: mysql_db_server - name: mysql_db_server type: cloudify.types.puppet.db_server properties: db_user: wordpress db_pass: passwd puppet_config: server: puppet environment: wordpress_env relationships: - type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in target: mysql_db_vm
Step 7: Upload the Blueprint and Create the Deployment (via CLI or GUI)
Then execute your deployment (via CLI or GUI).
ubuntu@koby-n-cfy3-cli:~/cosmo_cli$ cfy blueprints upload -b wp9 wordpress/blueprint.yaml ubuntu@koby-n-cfy3-cli:~/cosmo_cli$ cfy deployments create -b wp9 -d WordPress_Deployment_1
Step 8: Take a Quick Coffee Break.
Step 9: Enjoy your Orchestrated WordPress Stack!
Published at DZone with permission of Sharone Zitzman, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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