Reactive Programming With Project Reactor
Want to learn more about reactive programming with Project Reactor? Check out this post to learn more with these example scenarios.
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Join For FreeIf you are building reactive microservices, you would probably have to merge data streams from different source APIs into a single result stream. It inspired me to create this article containing some of the most common scenarios of using reactive streams in microservice-based architecture during inter-service communication. I have already described some aspects related to reactive programming with Spring based on Spring WebFlux and Spring Data JDBC projects in the following articles:
- Reactive Microservices with Spring WebFlux and Spring Cloud
- Introduction to Reactive APIs with Postgres, R2DBC, Spring Data JDBC and Spring WebFlux
Spring Framework supports reactive programming since version 5. That support is build on top of Project Reactor. Reactor is a fourth-generation Reactive library for building non-blocking applications on the JVM based on the Reactive Streams Specification. Working with this library can be difficult at first, especially if you don’t have any experience with reactive streams. Reactive Core gives us two data types that enable us to produce a stream of data: Mono
and Flux
. With Flux
,we can emit 0..nelements. While with Mono
, we can create a stream of 0..1 elements. Both those types implement the Publisher
interface. Both of these types are lazy, which means they won’t be executed until you consume it. Therefore, when building reactive APIs, it is important not to block the stream. Spring WebFlux doesn’t allow that.
The sample project is available on GitHub in repository reactive-playground. It is written in Kotlin. In addition to some Kotlin libraries, the only single dependency that needs to be added in order to use Project Reactor is reactor-core
I would not like to show you the features of Project Reactor based on simple String objects, like in many other articles. Therefore, I have created the following class hierarchy for our tests that allows us to simulate APIs built for three different domain objects.
Class Organization
contains a list of Employee
and Department
. Each department contains a list of Employee
assigned only to the given department inside organization. Class Employee
has properties: organizationId
that assigns it to the organization and departmentId
that assigns it to the department.
data class Employee(var id: Int, var name: String, var salary: Int) {
var organizationId: Int? = null
var departmentId: Int? = null
constructor(id: Int, name: String, salary: Int, organizationId: Int, departmentId: Int) : this(id, name, salary) {
this.organizationId = organizationId
this.departmentId = departmentId
constructor(id: Int, name: String, salary: Int, organizationId: Int) : this(id, name, salary) {
this.organizationId = organizationId
Here’s the implementation of the Department
class Department(var id: Int, var name: String, var organizationId: Int) {
var employees: MutableList<Employee> = ArrayList()
constructor(id: Int, name: String, organizationId: Int, employees: MutableList<Employee>) : this(id, name, organizationId) {
fun addEmployees(employees: MutableList<Employee>) : Department {
return this
fun addEmployee(employee: Employee) : Department {
return this
Here’s the implementation of the Organization
class Organization(var id: Int, var name: String) {
var employees: MutableList<Employee> = ArrayList()
var departments: MutableList<Department> = ArrayList()
constructor(id: Int, name: String, employees: MutableList<Employee>, departments: MutableList<Department>) : this(id, name){
constructor(id: Int, name: String, employees: MutableList<Employee>) : this(id, name){
Scenario 1
We have two API methods that return data streams.The first of them return Flux
, emitting employees assigned to the given organization. The second returns Mono
with the current organization.
private fun getOrganizationByName(name: String) : Mono<Organization> {
return Mono.just(Organization(1, name))
private fun getEmployeesByOrganization(id: Int) : Flux<Employee> {
return Flux.just(Employee(1, "Employee1", 1000, id),
Employee(2, "Employee2", 2000, id))
We would like to return the single stream emitting organization that contains a list of employees, as shown below.
Here’s the solution. We use the zipWhen
method that waits for result from source Mono
and then calls the second Mono
. Because we can zip only the same stream types (in that case these are Mono
), we need to convert Flux<Employee>
returned by the getEmployeesByOrganization
method into Mono<MutableList<Employee>>
using collectList
function. Thanks to zipWhen
, we can then combine two Mono
streams and create a new object inside the map
fun testScenario1() {
val organization : Mono<Organization> = getOrganizationByName("test")
.zipWhen { organization ->
.map { tuple ->
Organization(,, tuple.t2)
Scenario 2
Let’s consider another scenario. Now, we have two Flux streams that emit employees and departments. Every employee has a property departmentId
responsible for assignment to the department.
private fun getDepartments() : Flux<Department> {
return Flux.just(Department(1, "X", 1),
Department(2, "Y", 1))
private fun getEmployees() : Flux<Employee> {
return Flux.just(Employee(1, "Employee1", 1000, 1, 1),
Employee(2, "Employee2", 2000, 1, 1),
Employee(3, "Employee3", 1000, 1, 2),
Employee(4, "Employee4", 2000, 1, 2))
The goal is to merge those two streams and return the single Flux
stream, emitting departments that contain all employees assigned to the given department. Here’s the picture that illustrates the transformation described above.
We can do that in two ways. First, we call the flatMap
function on stream with departments. Inside flatMap
, we zip every single Department
with stream of employees. That stream is then filtered by the departmentId
and converted into the Mono
type. Finally, we create the Mono
type using the map
function that emits the department containing the list of employees.
The second way groups Flux
with employees by departmentId
. Then, it invokes zipping and mapping functions similar to the previous approach.
fun testScenario2() {
val departments: Flux<Department> = getDepartments()
.flatMap { department ->
.zipWith(getEmployees().filter { it.departmentId == }.collectList())
.map { t -> t.t1.addEmployees(t.t2) }
val departments2: Flux<Department> = getEmployees()
.groupBy { it.departmentId }
.flatMap { t -> getDepartments().filter { == t.key() }.elementAt(0)
.map { it.t1.addEmployees(it.t2) }
Scenario 3
This scenario is simpler than the two previous scenarios. We have two API methods that emit Flux
with the same object types. The first of them contains a list of employees — id
, name
, salary
properties— while the second includes the id
, organizationId
, and departmentId
private fun getEmployeesBasic() : Flux<Employee> {
return Flux.just(Employee(1, "AA", 1000),
Employee(2, "BB", 2000))
private fun getEmployeesRelationships() : Flux<Employee> {
return Flux.just(Employee(1, 1, 1),
Employee(2, 1, 2))
We want to convert it into a single stream emitting employees with full set of properties. The following picture illustrates the described transformation.
In that case, the solution is pretty simple. We are zipping two Flux
streams using the zipWith
function, and then, we map the two zipped objects into a single, containing the full set of properties.
fun testScenario3() {
val employees : Flux<Employee> = getEmployeesBasic()
.map { t -> Employee(,, t.t1.salary, t.t2.organizationId!!, t.t2.departmentId!!) }
Scenario 4
In this scenario, we have two independent Flux
streams that emit the same type of objects – Employee
private fun getEmployeesFirstPart() : Flux<Employee> {
return Flux.just(Employee(1, "AA", 1000), Employee(3, "BB", 3000))
private fun getEmployeesSecondPart() : Flux<Employee> {
return Flux.just(Employee(2, "CC", 2000), Employee(4, "DD", 4000))
We would like to merge those two streams into a single stream ordered by id
. The following picture shows that transformation.
Here’s the solution. We use the mergeOrderedWith
function with comparator that compares id
. Then, we can perform some transformations on every object, but it is only an option that shows the usage on map
fun testScenario4() {
val persons: Flux<Employee> = getEmployeesFirstPart()
.mergeOrderedWith(getEmployeesSecondPart(), Comparator { o1, o2 -> })
.map {
Employee(,, it.salary, 1, 1)
Scenario 5
And, the last scenario in this article – we have a single input stream Mono<Organization>
that contains a list of departments. Each department inside that list contains the list of all employees assigned to the given department. Here’s our API method implementation.
private fun getDepartmentsByOrganization(id: Int) : Flux<Department> {
val dep1 = Department(1, "A", id, mutableListOf(
Employee(1, "Employee1", 1000, id, 1),
Employee(2, "Employee2", 2000, id, 1)
val dep2 = Department(2, "B", id, mutableListOf(
Employee(3, "Employee3", 1000, id, 2),
Employee(4, "Employee4", 2000, id, 2)
return Flux.just(dep1, dep2)
The goal is to convert the stream to the same stream Flux<Department>
, but containing the list of all employees in department. The following picture visualizes the described transformation.
Here’s the solution. We invoke the flatMapIterable
function that converts Flux<Department>
into Flux<Employees>
by returning List<Employee>
. Then, we convert it to Mono
and add to newly created Organization
object inside the map
fun testScenario5() {
var organization: Mono<Organization> = getDepartmentsByOrganization(1)
.flatMapIterable { department -> department.employees }
.map { t -> Organization(1, "X", t) }
Happy coding!
Published at DZone with permission of Piotr Mińkowski, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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