Working With Multi-Level JSON in CockroachDB
This tutorial demonstrates the ability in CockroachDB to work with nested JSON.
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I had a customer inquiring about whether CockroachDB is capable of working with multi-level JSON. Considering their JSON would have up to 3 levels of hierarchy, they wanted to know whether CockroachDB is able to use native capability to access data multiple levels down. This prompted my interest and led to this tutorial. Surprisingly, CockroachDB does not inhibit any limitations to the number of levels in hiearchy and performance can be improved using various optimizations also discussed below.
Start a Single Node Instance With Max SQL Memory Flag and Connect to It
cockroach start-single-node --max-sql-memory=.25 --insecure --background
cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost
Create a Table
payload JSONB,
INVERTED INDEX jsonb_inv_idx (payload)
Load a Sample JSON Payload
Given the following sample json object 10 levels deep
"level1": "l1",
"n2": {
"level2": "l2",
"n3": {
"level3": "l3",
"n4": {
"level4": "l4",
"n5": {
"level5": "l5",
"n6": {
"level6": "l6",
"n7": {
"level7": "l7",
"n8": {
"level8": "l8",
"n9": {
"level9": "l9",
"n10": {
"level10": "l10"
turns to an insert statement in CockroachDB that looks like so
UPSERT INTO sample (payload) VALUES ('{
"level1": "l1",
"n2": {
"level2": "l2",
"n3": {
"level3": "l3",
"n4": {
"level4": "l4",
"n5": {
"level5": "l5",
"n6": {
"level6": "l6",
"n7": {
"level7": "l7",
"n8": {
"level8": "l8",
"n9": {
"level9": "l9",
"n10": {
"level10": "l10"
Our table definition includes an inverted index called jsonb_inv_idx
, our JSON payload will benefit from an index as you will see shortly
Query the Table
Simply querying the record will yield
root :26257/defaultdb> SELECT * FROM sample;
id | payload
cdd0c860-9969-4fc9-a36d-a8907f876728 | {"level1": "l1", "n2": {"level2": "l2", "n3": {"level3": "l3", "n4": {"level4": "l4", "n5": {"level5": "l5", "n6": {"level6": "l6", "n7": {"level7": "l7", "n8": {"level8": "l8", "n9": {"level9": "l9", "n10": {"level10": "l10"}}}}}}}}}}
(1 row)
Time: 735µs
That's not as interesting as if we started to reach into the payload and querying the specific levels.
Let's query level 1
SELECT payload ->'level1' as level FROM sample;
(1 row)
Time: 919µs
Let's query level 2
SELECT payload ->'n2' as level FROM sample;
{"level2": "l2", "n3": {"level3": "l3", "n4": {"level4": "l4", "n5": {"level5": "l5", "n6": {"level6": "l6", "n7": {"level7": "l7", "n8": {"level8": "l8", "n9": {"level9": "l9", "n10": {"level10": "l10"}}}}}}}}}
(1 row)
This will return the entire tree starting with level2. What we need is to access the value at the appropriate level. We're going to use the ->
notation to do that next.
SELECT payload ->'n2'->'level2' as level FROM sample;
(1 row)
Now that we learned how to access the values in multi-level JSOn, let's query level 5
SELECT payload ->'n5'->'level5' as level FROM sample;
(1 row)
This is not what we expected. We have to use the ->
notation to specify each level.
SELECT payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'level5' as level FROM sample;
(1 row)
Up until now our query did not use an index to fetch the results. We can observe that with the following explain plan
root :26257/defaultdb> EXPLAIN SELECT payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'leve
l5' as level FROM sample;
tree | field | description
| distributed | true
| vectorized | false
render | |
└── scan | |
| table | sample
| spans | FULL SCAN
(6 rows)
Time: 694µs
Notice we're doing a full table scan.
Let's wrap the query in a where clause, we can use one of the available comparison operators to check whether value exists.
SELECT payload as level FROM sample WHERE payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'n6'->'n7'->'n8'->'n9'->'n10'->'level10' = '"l10"';
{"level1": "l1", "n2": {"level2": "l2", "n3": {"level3": "l3", "n4": {"level4": "l4", "n5": {"level5": "l5", "n6": {"level6": "l6", "n7": {"level7": "l7", "n8": {"level8": "l8", "n9": {"level9": "l9", "n10": {"level10": "l10"}}}}}}}}}}
(1 row)
Time: 1.013ms
It can also be expressed the following way
SELECT payload as level FROM sample WHERE payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'n6'->'n7'->'n8'->'n9'->'n10' > '{"level10": "l10"}';
Prefixing the select statement with EXPLAIN
will validate the use of the inverted index
root :26257/defaultdb> EXPLAIN SELECT payload as level FROM sample WHERE payl
oad ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'n6'->'n7'->'n8'->'n9'->'n10'->'level10' = '"l10"';
tree | field | description
| distributed | false
| vectorized | false
index-join | |
│ | table | sample
│ | key columns | id
└── scan | |
| table | sample
| spans | /"n2"/"n3"/"n4"/"n5"/"n6"/"n7"/"n8"/"n9"/"n10"/"level10"/"l10"-/"n2"/"n3"/"n4"/"n5"/"n6"/"n7"/"n8"/"n9"/"n10"/"level10"/"l10"/PrefixEnd
(8 rows)
Before we move on, I should mention that we can retrieve the values as strings instead of JSON using ->>
root :26257/defaultdb> SELECT payload ->'n2'->>'level2' AS level FROM sample;
(1 row)
Time: 732µs
root :26257/defaultdb> SELECT payload ->'n2'->'level2' AS level FROM sample;
(1 row)
Time: 665µs
There are other formatting options available in our docs.
Computed Columns
Admittedly, the syntax becomes a bit cumbersome to write every time. Luckily, CockroachDB has ability to create a computed column on the JSONB column. One must still write the syntax once but accessing the fields after becomes less of a hassle.
CREATE TABLE sample2 (
payload JSONB,
level1 STRING AS (payload->>'level1') STORED,
level2 STRING AS (payload ->'n2'->>'level2') STORED,
level3 STRING AS (payload ->'n2'->'n3'->>'level3') STORED,
level4 STRING AS (payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->>'level4') STORED,
level5 STRING AS (payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->>'level5') STORED,
level6 STRING AS (payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'n6'->>'level6') STORED,
level7 STRING AS (payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'n6'->'n7'->>'level7') STORED,
level8 STRING AS (payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'n6'->'n7'->'n8'->>'level8') STORED,
level9 STRING AS (payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'n6'->'n7'->'n8'->'n9'->>'level9') STORED,
level10 STRING AS (payload ->'n2'->'n3'->'n4'->'n5'->'n6'->'n7'->'n8'->'n9'->'n10'->>'level10') STORED
Now a simple query can get at any one of the fields
SELECT level1, level2, level3, level4, level5, level6, level7, level8, level9, level10 FROM sample2;
level1 | level2 | level3 | level4 | level5 | level6 | level7 | level8 | level9 | level10
l1 | l2 | l3 | l4 | l5 | l6 | l7 | l8 | l9 | l10
(1 row)
Performance on writes to the table with computed columns is also a lot better than using an inverted index but this is a topic for another day.
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