This article explores how to use method chaining to add routing information to serialized data structures in a lightweight fashion, where the routing information can be read separately by an intelligent message router.
Explore Exchange Maintenance Mode, its importance, the steps to put the Exchange Server into maintenance mode, and the steps to disable maintenance mode.
This data can be used to encourage teams to maintain open and inquisitive minds and to inspire them to regularly identify improvement opportunities from that data.
Here's a quick introduction to Kubernetes, including popular alternatives and competitors to the open-source platform as well as why we need container orchestration.
In this article, we will discuss how Presto can be used to query Kafka topics with a step-by-step process to connect Kafka and Presto together for MacOS.
Learn how to take advantage of that old laptop by installing Ubuntu Server, Docker, and MariaDB with all the configurations needed to have it always available.
Embedded databases move management from standalone systems to your app. Let's take a look at HSQLDB, H2, and Apache Derby to see how they can work with Java apps.
There are three primary reasons for choosing AWS S3: affordability, speed, and reliability. Here, learn how to upload files to AWS S3 in JMeter using Groovy.
An upsert is a database operation that will update an existing row if a specified value already exists in a table, and insert a new row if the specified value doesn't already exist.
DSLs are intended to express domain concepts in a natural way. But are domain concepts set in stone? Or are they something that we could consciously evolve?
When organizations use CAD/CAM data, they must create effective data security management plans to reduce the risk of lost, stolen, or misused information.
Explore major components of a user-friendly UI and look into specific measures that can be employed to increase the quality of search in the Open Data Discovery Platform.