Apache Zeppelin — an open-source data analytics and visualization platform — helps us analyze the data to gain insight and to improve and enhance business decisions.
Learn how to perform anomaly detection using Kafka Streams with an example of a loan payment website that needs to send an alert if the payment is too high.
If you've ever tried to hire anyone, you know how difficult it can be to pour through hundreds of resumes and find the right one. AI can take the pain out of the process!
See how to get started with writing stream processing algorithms using Apache Flink. by reading a stream of Wikipedia edits and getting some meaningful data out of it.
Some quick stats: 656 million tweets go out per day, and 15,220,700 texts are sent every minute. This makes for LOTS of data. Read on for more shocking stats!
If you've been following software development news recently you probably heard about the new project called Apache Flink. I've already written about it a bit...
We've seen an explosion of interest in machine learning in the past few years. But where did machine learning come from and why is there so much interest in it now?
The variable selection process in the credit score modeling process is critical to finding key information. Learn how to do it to get a good understanding of your data!