As a reminder, 3.1.7 is a development release and is not intended for production use. The 3.1 series will evolve into 3.2, which will be for production.
Here is an example on how to import a Oracle database dump file (a binary file that's exported from a Oracle database using the Oracle data pump utility).
When creating a new users in Oracle database (new schema), you need to verify the existing tablespace availability. This query will show you what's there and how much space are free to use.
Moving from server-side rendering view technologies to client-side ones can be tricky. Here are some considerations to make before starting the migration.
This interview covers topics from lambdas in Java 8, to the sun.misc.Unsafe controversy, to VarHandle in Java 9, to the work of Chronicle Software, which is amazing.
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Learn how to use the service registration and discovery services in ZooKeeper to manage microservices when refactoring from an existing monolithic application.
Liquibase is a great tool, and comparable to Git for databases. While it might not technically be a source control system, it's packed with similar functionality.