In this article, we'll discuss building cloud backend service integration/ HTTP service with Ballerina and how to send and retrieve data from a Ballerina service.
Many people prefer a Character array over a string, but they do not know the reason behind it. Read why people are more inclined to use an array than a string.
In this part, we'll cover the remaining steps of creating main tables with valid records for detailed deep drive analysis using Google DataProc and Apache Hive.
Spies have been using physical "Dead Drops" to exchange information securely for decades. This method of communication has become possible online with recent cryptographic advances.
Lambda Architecture is one of the most useful frameworks to design big data applications and distributed data processing systems like social network platforms.
In this article, we will take a look at the power of saying No — having the flexibility and willingness to stand by what is important and speak your mind.
As the media industry joins others by adopting AI to improve user experience, many developers are facing new challenges and higher stakes on the backend.