Learn the steps to integrate Microsoft Outlook and Mulesoft with Oauth 2.0 authentication so you can read or write to a mailbox using modern authentication.
Blockchain is the solution to the challenge of the Internet of Nano Things. Blockchain will lead IoNT to an era of trust, security, and decentralization.
How a low-code API platform can enable better, more secure APIs while allowing developers to embrace their roles as knowledge workers and problem solvers.
Learn how to use the AWS Lambda, as well as design and build a Serverless function to trigger Bitrise builds with Bitrise API via the custom Lambda function.
Learn how Xmake's support for C/C++ package management has been continuously improved and discover some useful package management features that have been added.
Introduction to KEDA—event-driven autoscaler for Kubernetes, Apache Camel, and ActiveMQ Artimis—and how to use it to scale a Java microservice on Kubernetes.
In this article, we will discuss how to integrate custom applications with the Shopify e-commerce platform using the Shopify MuleSoft connector in Anypoint Studio.