In this article, we'll look at how to use Swagger UI for API testing. We'll start by discussing what Swagger UI is, why it's worth using, and then move on to a tutorial.
Spring Cloud Gateway can help implement the gateway pattern for your API, especially in a microservices environment. Learn how to make use of it by way of an example.
You're probably no stranger to managing multiple JavaScript frameworks, so let's see how to use Vue and Node together to create a user management system.
Eclipse Vert.x is a toolkit that let you write reactive applications. In Part 1 of this tutorial series, we'll learn how to make your first Vert.x application.
Batch processing is for cases where having the most up-to-date data is not important. Stream processing is for cases that require live interaction and real-time responsiveness.
In this post, you will finish building out the basic CRUD functionality of the API by adding logic to handle POST, PUT, and DELETE requests on the employees endpoint.
Get details on the target environment and an overview of the high-level components that I'll use to build a REST API to balance granular control and magical black boxes.