Vladimir Pecanac provides an excellent overview of the top 8 continuous integration tools your organization should be considering, if C/I is in your future.
In recent years, API use, and reliance on web services has increased. Here's a list of 12 awesome web service testing tools to aid your API and web service journey.
Spotlight.io is a new API and modeling tool, and has some neat features. Here's a quick introductory overview of Spotlight, and cool services such as automatic generation of an OpenAPI Spec.
Microservices-based systems are increasingly prevalent. Here's a look at five common microservice-specific performance challenges and how to meet them.
Here;s a look at REST API documentation with the JAXRS-Analyzer. API documents are by default technical catalogs, and developers must have instructions fir requesting service from platforms or systems.
I was working with Web API for one of my new projects, when suddenly I got this error message: "the server responded with a status of 405 (method not allowed)" when I tried to delete a record through API. I began to scratch my head, and finally, I came up with a solution.
Recently, AWS announced that they’ve added support for triggering AWS Lambda functions into AWS CodePipeline–AWS’ Continuous Delivery service. In this article, I’ll describe how I codified the provisioning of all of the AWS resources in the documentation using CloudFormation.
The past few years have seen the SaaS implementation model shift. Here's what HipChat and Slack can teach us about implementation and system integrators.
Learn how to make a HSON API REST service using Elide and Spring Boot in this awesome tutorial. The JSON API is a great specification for developers, and is getting much more popular.
LogPacker is a log collection, analysis, and transfer service. It has a Go backend. Check out this neat use case in integrating the Go-client with the PayPal API!
Apache Ignite has the concept of Data Streamers—components to ingest fast data in a streaming fashion into an Ignite cache from a variety of protocols, technologies, or platforms, such as JMS, MQTT, Twitter, Flume, Kafka, etc. However, with Apache Ignite 1.5.0 we released the jack of all trades: an Apache Camel streamer.