Software project management plays a vital role in delivery optimization. Here’s what experts have to say about it to help you get started the right way.
The Agile Enterprise Architecture Framework helps formulate a model in which the Agile Enterprise architect can be involved in the end-to-end activities.
Committing to showcase new functionality every second Tuesday is an open invitation to cut corners. It creates a prototype mindset and increases technical debt.
Let's define the software development life cycle, make an overview of the 7 most used models, and find out their differences and benefits in project development.
It's hard to make the right decision. We will look at the tools to track small, medium, and large pieces of debt and the process to reduce technical debt.
Every person in your company probably has a different opinion about what's the company's biggest priority. But which project should be prioritized? Fortunately, there are great methods to help you prioritize your product backlog.
Incident severity levels are a measurement of the impact an incident has on the business. Classifying the severity of an issue is critical to decide how quickly and efficiently problems get resolved.
Everything you need to know about the concept of Community of Practices and how to engage collaborations in multiple Agile teams across the organization.
IaC tackles problems that were present before its use, such as manual environment build and approval processes, high costs, hardware issues, and human error.
SAFe is based on 10 key elements that have evolved from Agile principles and methods, systems thinking, lean product development, and successful enterprises' observation.
Let's discuss IT Operations and IT and how different their world is from the IT Product Development team. Then discuss Agile solutions to boosting productivity.
Making an outstanding application requires a design that meets users’ demands and goals. We’ve gathered GitHub's top-rated libraries for Angular to choose from.
The PDCA cycle serves as a building block for any type of project. Here's what you need to know as an expert working in an Agile environment these days.
What does it take to become an SRE from a SysAdmin background? We discuss the growth areas and technical skills needed to successfully transition to an SRE role.