Summary of the annotations we should use in each testing scenario using JUnit 5 and Spring Test Framework to eliminate redundant annotations and negative outputs.
In this article, we'll discuss building cloud backend service integration/ HTTP service with Ballerina and how to send and retrieve data from a Ballerina service.
In Kubernetes, Pods are the single deployable units. If an application is to be deployed, it must be so in a Pod as a container. Learn how to use multi-container pods.
This article talks about monitoring Apache Kafka on Azure using Telegraf and Grafana. I will guide you on installation, setup, and running monitoring solutions.
Learn how to control OAuth in a load-balanced application. This post shows how to manage sessions for a simple load-balanced application that uses OAuth 2.0.
In this article, I'll discuss how you can take a real-world REST application example adapted to spring-cloud-function and speed up the cold start time using GraalVM.
GKE is excellent for automatic management and monitoring of application containers. In this post, we'll look at GKE’s salient features and its implementation advantages.
There aren’t many companies talking about AI computer build-essentials. It is exactly why we have compiled a list of important components for AI computers.
This article sets out to conduct a performance test on the Spring Boot Pet Clinic application to see whether any performance bottlenecks can be identified.
Lambda Architecture is one of the most useful frameworks to design big data applications and distributed data processing systems like social network platforms.