Class Diagrams
Class diagrams describe the static structure of the classes in your system and illustrate attributes, operations and relationships between the classes.
Modeling Classes
The representation of a class has three compartments.

Figure 1: Class representation
From top to bottom this includes:
- Name which contains the class name as well as the stereotype, which provides information about this class. Examples of stereotypes include <<interface>>, <<abstract>> or <<controller>>.
- Attributes lists the class attributes in the format name:type, with the possibility to provide initial values using the format name:type=value
- Operations lists the methods for the class in the format method( parameters):return type.
Operations and attributes can have their visibility annotated as follows: + public, # protected, - private, ~ package
Interfaces Interface names and operations are
usually represented in italics.
RelationshipDescriptionDependency “...uses a…”A weak, usually transient, relationship that illustrates that a class uses another class at some point.

Figure 2: ClassA has dependency on ClassB
Association “…has a...”Stronger than dependency, the solid line relationship indicates that the class retains a reference to another class over time.

Figure 3: ClassA associated with ClassB
Aggregation “…owns a…”More specific than association, this indicates that a class is a container or collection of other classes. The contained classes do not have a life cycle dependency on the container, so when the container is destroyed, the contents are not. This is depicted using a hollow diamond.

Figure 4: Company contains Employees
Composition “…is part of...”More specific than aggregation, this indicates a strong life cycle dependency between classes, so when the container is destroyed, so are the contents. This is depicted using a filled diamond.

Figure 5: StatusBar is part of a Window
Generalization “…is a…”Also known as inheritance, this indicates that the subtype is a more specific type of the super type. This is depicted using a hollow triangle at the general side of the relationship.

Figure 6: Ford is a more specific type of Car
Association Classes
Sometimes more complex relationships exist between classes, where a third class contains the association information.

Figure 7: Account associates the Bank with a Person
Annotating relationships
For all the above relationships, direction and multiplicity can be expressed, as well as an annotation for the relationship. Direction is expressed using arrows, which may be bi-directional.
The following example shows a multiple association, between ClassA and ClassB, with an alias given to the link.

Figure 8: Annotating class relationships
Notes Notes or comments are used across all UML diagrams. They used to hold useful information for the diagram, such as explanations or code samples, and can be linked to entities in the diagram.
Object Diagrams
Object diagrams provide information about the relationships between instances of classes at a particular point in time. As you would expect, this diagram uses some elements from class diagrams.
Typically, an object instance is modeled using a simple rectangle without compartments, and with underlined text of the format InstanceName:Class

Figure 9: A simple object diagram
The object element may also have extra information to model the state of the attributes at a particular time, as in the case of myAccount in the above example.
Component Diagrams
Component diagrams are used to illustrate how components of a system are wired together at a higher level of abstraction than class diagrams. A component could be modeled by one or more classes.
A component is modeled in a rectangle with the <<component>> classifier and an optional component icon:

Figure 10: UML representation of a single component
Assembly Connectors
The assembly connector can be used when one component needs to use the services provided by another.

Figure 11: AccountManagement depends on the CreditChecker services
Using the ball and socket notation, required or provided interfaces are illustrated as follows

Figure 12: Required and provided interface notationPort Connectors
Ports allow you to model the functionality that is exposed to the outside world, grouping together required and provided interfaces for a particular piece of functionality. This is particularly useful when showing nested components.

Figure 13: Nested component diagram showing use of ports
Composite Structure Diagrams
Composite structure diagrams show the internal structure of a class and the collaborations that are made possible.
The main entities in a composite structure diagram are parts, ports, connectors, collaborations, as well as classifiers.
Represent one or more instances owned by the containing instance. This is illustrated using simple rectangles within the owning class or component. Relationships between parts may also be modeled.

Figure 14: Diagram class with a Square and Line as part of its structure
Represent externally visible parts of the structure. They are shown as named rectangles at the boundary of the owning structure. As in component diagrams, a port can specify the required and provided services.
Connectors bind entities together, allowing them to interact at runtime. A solid line is typically drawn between parts. The name and type information is added to the connector using a name:classname format. Multiplicity may also be annotated on the connector.

Figure 15: A connector between two parts
Represents a set of roles that can be used together to achieve some particular functionality. Collaborations are modeled using a dashed ellipse.

Figure 16: Collaboration between a number of entities
Modeling Patterns Using Collaborations Sometimes a collaboration will be an implementation of a pattern. In such cases a collaboration is labeled with the pattern and each part is linked with a description of its role in the problem.

Deployment Diagrams
Deployment diagrams model the runtime architecture of the system in a real world setting. They show how software entities are deployed onto physical hardware nodes and devices.
Association links between these entities represent communication between nodes and can include multiplicity.
Either a hardware or software element shown as a 3D box shape. Nodes can have many stereotypes, indicated by an appropriate icon on the top right hand corner. An instance is made different to a node by providing an underlined “name:node type” notation.
An artifact is any product of software development, including source code, binary files or documentation. It is depicted using a document icon in the top right hand corner.

Figure 17: Deployment diagram example
Package Diagrams
Package diagrams show the organization of packages and the elements inside provide a visualization of the namespaces that will be applied to classes. Package diagrams are commonly used to organize, and provide a high level overview of, class diagrams.
As well as standard dependencies, there are two specific types of relationships used for package diagrams. Both are depicted using the standard dashed line dependency with the appropriate stereotype (import or merge).
- Package Import Used to indicate that the importing namespace adds the names of the members of the package to its own namespace. This indicates that the package can access elements within another package. Unlabeled dependencies are considered imports.
- Package Merge Used to indicate that the contents of both packages are combined in a similar way to the generalization relationship.

Figure 18: Package merge example