Since Vaadin components are based in Web Components, you have to put the CSS in an HTML file and load it with the @HtmlImport annotation:
public class MainLayout extends Div implements RouterLayout {
In the shared-styles.html file (located in src/main/webapp/frontend/styles) you can add any CSS rules as follows:
... CSS here ...
Lumo defines CSS custom properties that allow you to quickly modify the look and feel of an app:
html {
--lumo-font-family: Courier, monospace;
--lumo-border-radius: 20px;
--lumo-base-color: #fafbfc;
--lumo-primary-color: #00b4f0;
You can add CSS class names to any UI component using the addClassName and addClassNames methods:
This class name can be used in a selector in the shared-styles-html file:
.custom {
color: red;
To deploy a Vaadin Flow application in a production environment, you must add the vaadin-maven-plugin in a Maven profile in the pom.xml file and compile the project specifying the name of the profile (for example, mvn clean package -PproductionMode). This performs three main tasks:
Transpilation: Converts ES6 JavaScript to ES5 JavaScript to support older browsers.
Minimization: Makes JavaScript files smaller.
Bundling: Bundling: Stitching together a group of modules into a single file.
For details about how to add the vaadin-maven-plugin, see
In order to use the resources created by the vaadin-maven-plugin, you have to enable production mode using the @VaadinServletConfiguration annotation as follows:
@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", asyncSupported = true,
initParams = { // optional
@WebInitParam(name = "frontend.url.es6", value = ""),
@WebInitParam(name = "frontend.url.es5", value = "") }
@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = true)
public static class MainVaadinServlet extends VaadinServlet {}
You can also use system properties to override the @WebInitParam annotations. For example, you can pass the properties to the Jetty Maven Plugin as follows:
mvn jetty:run -Dvaadin.frontend.url.es6= -Dvaadin.frontend.url.es5=
Notice that if you run the application using the Jetty Maven Plugin in production mode, you have to run it using mvn jetty:run-exploded.