Amazon Neptune, the managed graph database service by AWS, makes analytics faster and more agile while introducing a vision aiming to simplify graph databases.
Migrating a monolith application to microservices is time and resource-consuming and needs proper planning. This guide outlines the details of the migration process.
Unleash the potential of spatial-temporal fusion in Geo-Distributed IoT databases for advanced query processing, harmonizing space, time, and semantics.
This article covers key principles that underlie SRE, provides some examples of those key principles, and includes relevant details and illustrations to clarify these examples.
KubeAdmiral by ByteDance enhances multi-cluster scheduling and introduces user-friendly features like flexible framework, status aggregation, and cost-efficient workload.
Insights come from observing and analyzing data from all sources. Couchbase Columnar helps quickly analyze data from a variety of data sources with zero-ETL.
Azure Entra ID Application Proxy can seamlessly integrate with your on-premises workload to redefine how enterprises manage and secure their applications.