Security Virtual Roundtable: Join DZone SMEs as they discuss software supply chains, the role of AI/ML in security, CNAPP, and more.
Data Engineering: Work with DBs? Build data pipelines? Or maybe you're exploring AI-driven data capabilities? We want to hear your insights.
Cloud native has been deeply entrenched in organizations for years now, yet it remains an evolving and innovative solution across the software development industry. Organizations rely on a cloud-centric state of development that allows their applications to remain resilient and scalable in this ever-changing landscape. Amidst market concerns, tool sprawl, and the increased need for cost optimization, there are few conversations more important today than those around cloud-native efficacy at organizations.
Google Cloud breaks down "cloud native" into five primary pillars: containers and orchestration, microservices, DevOps, and CI/CD. For DZone's 2024 Cloud Native Trend Report, we further explored these pillars, focusing our research on learning how nuanced technology and methodologies are driving the vision for what cloud native means and entails today. The articles, contributed by experts in the DZone Community, bring the pillars into conversation via topics such as automating the cloud through orchestration and AI, using shift left to improve delivery and strengthen security, surviving observability challenges, and strategizing cost optimizations.
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